Dear Yuletide Author
First, the most important thing I want to tell you, Yuletide Writer, is that I will seriously LOVE anything you write. Anything written in one of the small fandoms that I love just enriches the earth!
Second, I love the characters that I’ve listed, and anything that you do with them will be satisfying, I am certain. If you are just not feeling my optional prompts-remember, they’re optional. That’s what this fest is all about. In the same vein, if instead of the adventure/mystery/crime/business plots, you want to write a character study or a quiet interior piece, please feel free. It will take me totally by surprise and give me more depth and insight into my darling fandoms, and I’m sure that your creativity + our fandom = sheer, unmitigated glory!.
Third, I prefer slash, though it isn’t necessary for the fic: you can go for the male bonding or buddy fic or bromance. I am most interested in the dynamics of relationship, how a character negotiates difference between himself and his companion/lover/friend, and how he calls upon his relationships to help them interact with their world. I would request, however, that you do not write these characters in het relationships. I also begin to retch at fluff or crack happening between my ‘manly’ characters. Non-con, watersports, necrophilia, scat are major squicks for me, though feel free to bring on the BDSM or hot, angry sex, if you are so inclined!
Fourth, I would really prefer it if you could avoid character bashing, particularly the female characters in these fandoms. Just because the guys are more into each other than the women doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with them, so if you could keep it from being the female character’s ‘fault’ that the men prefer each other, I will love you forever. The women don’t have to be ‘good,’ in fact, I adore the Elementary episodes in which Watson is shown to be fallable, or the Demon’s Lexicon scenes in which Mae or Sin are struggling to figure out what is best for them and their people, and make big mistakes. It’s just that I don't like to see characters given negative qualities that aren't in their canon, or put in positions that draw really negative interpretations of their actions because the author disliked them for some reason. If you write them as human, I will be happy, and if you really dislike a character, I'd rather you just quietly exclude them from the story.
Finally, thank you so much for doing this. I am so excited to see what you choose to do with my little obsessions. I also allowed anonymous comments for this post in case you have further questions (or just want to squee with a fellow fan!).
Just for your convenience, I have my requests copied under the cut so that all my comments are in one place.
1. The Administration - Manna Francis
Keir Warrick
Val Toreth
Frederick Girardin
Prefer: plotty story with crime-solving (think the Selwyn or Kemp cases); character development; slash
I really want the gritty dystopian New London of the book, with the darkness lightened by Toreth's incomprehensible relationship (the one he is not supposed to be capable of) with Warrick. Would really like witty dialogue between Warrick, Girardin, and Toreth (OK, slightly more threatening than witty on Toreth's part)! Would adore some revenge or 'out-of-control' sex.
Plot is important: the relationship without the other details of the story isn't as emotionally satisfying to me. I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (which could just be a reference at the end to the enduring nature of Toreth/Warrick's relationship--nothing out of character)
2. Demon's Lexicon - Sarah Rees Brennan
Nicholas "Nick" Ryves | Hnikarr
Alan Ryves
James "Jamie" Crawford
Prefer: plotty story with adventure or some danger to be overcome (whether personal or that of the hidden magical world); character development; slash.
I'd love to see the developing relationship between Nick and Jamie. It could be platonic or sexual, but really want it to reflect some sort of conflict: Jamie's nature as a magician; Nick's inability to relate totally on a human plane vs. Jamie's need for connection; Nick's destiny or doom as a demon.
Alternatively, an angsty love/jealousy/desperate need between the brothers would also be fantastic. Alan wants so much to let Nick have a life freed of his obligations as a demon, but Alan still wants to be important to his younger brother.
Plot is important: the relationship without the other details of the story isn't as emotionally satisfying to me. I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (at least a resolution of the angst)
3. Shadow of the Templar - M. Chandler
Nate Waxman
Johnny Pilgrim
Prefer: plotty story with crime-solving (think "White Collar"); character development; slash;
I would love something along the lines of White Collar, in which Jeremy and Simon are working on a case, but I'd like a major component to deal with Johnny and Nate developing a relationship (doesn't need to be sexual, although, upon further reflection--yummmmmm!). I'd really like to see Johnny's Texas-shoot-first-ask-questions-later physicality negotiate Nate's geekiness, perhaps with help from the rest of the crew.
Plot is important: the relationship without the other details of the story isn't as emotionally satisfying to me.
4. Lighthouse Duet - Carol Berg
Valen (Lighthouse Duet)
Prefer: plotty story with some danger/conflict to be overcome (whether personal, civil war, or that of the Danae world) or a mystery to be solved; character development; slash.
Would love the scene in which the Prince tells Valen that he (Osriel) will get his money's worth from his new 'servant.' Though not wanting to commit you to it, if you choose to feature Kol or Julian as a part of your story, that would be a plus!
Plot is important: the relationship without the other details of the story isn't as emotionally satisfying to me.
5. Elementary (TV)
Tobias Gregson
Sherlock Holmes (Elementary TV)
Marcus Bell
Prefer: plotty story with crime-solving (think the Long Fuse or Leviathan cases); character development; slash;
Would love to see Sherlock with any of the other men, particularly in a sort of battle for detective/relationship dominance, don't care who comes out 'on top'! A good mystery to be solved would be a definite plus! However, the relationship without the other details of the story isn't as emotionally satisfying to me.
I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (perhaps, a la the series, with a twist or surprise?).
6. Bottle Shock (2008)
Steven Spurrier
Bo Barrett
Gustavo Brambila
Prefer: Plotty story in which the problems, conflicts, and pressures of the winery business are highlighted; character development; slash
Would love to see either Bo and Gustavo reconcile their conflicts with a physical component. Alternatively, Steven's enthusiasm for what they're trying to do in their vineyards could spill over to a more personal attraction to either (or both--yummmmmmmm....) An angsty take on the story could be his reevaluation of what he’s all about, particularly in light of what the two young men share, or something like that. However, the relationship without plot isn't as emotionally satisfying to me.
And of course, a happy ending would be a plus.