Just a few pics of garden randomosity.
As I said in my previous drive-by post of a few days ago, I started a few things from seeds.
These are a first glimpse of what I hope someday will be tasty pole beans. There's just something magical about plants coming up out of the ground.
Morning Glory vines. I'm hoping they'll cover my back fence this year. I lost an entire cutting garden back there due to the freakishly cold weather and just don't have the time or heart to start over yet. Maybe next spring. In the meantime these guys will help beautify a very bald area.
Same beans a couple weeks after transplanting into the garden.
And now...
And a couple flowers....
This is Purslane. It grows well in direct sun, spreading all over the garden and will flower all summer. There are several colors you can grow, but I'm partial to the yellow.
Confederate Jasmine. This vine,growing along a trellis in the side yard, has been there for years. Luckily it's tough and survived our horrifically cold winter. I'd hate to lose it, the flowers have a wonderfully light fragrance.
Firecracker plant.
For those of you who enjoyed the surrealism of my bromeliad pictures last year, here are two more of their unusual flowers.
This is a cousin of the pineapple and the flower stalk rising from the center rosette is very typical of that particular species.
These delicate purple flowers are actually hidden deep inside the middle of this bromeliad.
bojojoti , who wondered if my staghorn survived the freezing temps. One ginormous thirty year old staghorn fern and its admiring companion.
And finally a picture of Sparky and Gregor guarding the front porch. If you look closely at the right of the front door, you can see Whiskers peering out.