Title: The Ladder Theory
Summary: Ishida Uryuu knew about the ladders...
Rating: PG
Characters: IshiHime
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Bleach, but I can only borrow and play with the characters
The Ladder Theory - FF.net version
The Ladder Theory - LJ version )
Comments 7
It was originally supposed to have a semi-angsty, one-sided IshiHime ending, but I guess I'm too much of a sucker for happy endings... XD
Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise, but it was a nice one, and makes up for poor beaten armless Uryuu:D *cheers for him*
I've decided that Kubo likes having arms being cut off. If memory serves, he's cut off (hollowfying)Ichigo's, Yammi's, Ishida's and Soi Fon's, not to mention Kuukaku's missing arm...
anyway, great job! the world seriously needs more ishihime fic. they're too cute =3
Thank you, they are terribly cute. *wonders how people can resist them*
Perfect way to describe what I wish to describe at Bleachness xDDDDD (my english sucks!)
I loved the final too, angst is good, but happy endings ROCKS!
Thanks for reading
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