ADMIN: 2012-2013 Rules and Sign Ups

Dec 25, 2012 12:15

Please read over this post carefully as there have been some changes made this season.

Welcome to the 2012-2013 season of Winter_of_Faith.

Important Dates:
25 December 2012 - 14 January 2013: Sign Ups
07 January 2013 - 10 February 2013: Posting

Allowable Content:

For the 2012-2013 Season, we will accept the following content:

Fanfiction, Graphics*, Fanvids and essays.

Please note that all content must be new and should be created for winter_of_faith.

*Graphics: allowable content this year will include icons, wallpapers, and edited picspams. By edited, I mean picspams that have a theme of some sort and you have edited. I don't want to see just a bunch of random screenshots of Faith from the series.

What's not allowed: Fanmixes, non-edited picspams and rec lists.


For the first year, Winter_of_faith can be found here on DreamWidth. Since this is our first year there, we have a few basic rules:

01. LJ Is still the place to sign up for the season.

02. Participants are encouraged to post their submissions at both LJ and DW but they must post at LJ.

03. For those members who only have a DW account, please contact me ASAP and I can help make arrangements for your work to be posted at LJ.

04. At the end of the 2012-2013 season, there will be poll about the future home of winter_of_faith.

RUles and Sign Ups:

Most of this info is already on our profile but it bears repeating.

01. In order to participate, you must join Winter_of_faith and you must sign up for a minimum of one date. Dates can be found on the calender here.
* Dates are a first come, first serve basis.
* Members are encouraged to sign up for more than one day.
* Once all dates are booked, we will start to double book dates.

02. All fan-created content that is posted must be new. We allow the following content:
* Fanfiction
* Icon
* Wallpapers and other similar graphics
* Edited picspams (i.e. picspsams with a theme of some sort, screenshots that have been edited in Photoshop or a similiar
* Essays about Faith Lehane.
* Fanvids

03. We accept all raitings, pairings, and genres. We allow for crossovers. That said. Faith Lehane must be the primary focus of your work and she must remain recognizable.
*Acceptable: icons focusing on Faith from the comic books.
*Unacceptable: icons focusing on Eliza Dushku in other roles.

04. When posting your content, please post directly to the community. Please do not link back to your personal journal/community/website/etc. This is to ensure that long after this season is over, the content will still be available to others.

05.If you need to drop out for any reason, please let me know ASAP so that I can make arrangentments if necessary.

06. If you need assistance of any sort posting your content, please let me know ASAP so I can make arrangements to assist you.

07. Whether or not you sign up to submit content, please take the time to provide feedback.

08. Have fun!

Before signing up, please be sure to check the calender to see what dates are available.

When signing up, please use the following form:


For those of you who are only on DW, please use the following form:

If you plan on posting over at DW and you have a different name than your LJ name, please let me know withong your comment.

Please feel free to pimp the community using the following banner:">">

!sign ups, dates, !2012-2013, !admin

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