Signups for Drop-athon '10 NOW OPEN!

Nov 01, 2010 14:07

It's November, holiday ads are already on the TV, and it's time once again for winter_deaddrop's Holiday Drop-athon!

To participate this year, write a wish list and post it to the community as a new entry by NOVEMBER 23RD.

Wishlist Format:

Please include the following in your wish list and tag it with wish list '10:

Please put your username in the subject line of your post

  • Cover name

    Email address where your assignment can be sent. Feel free to email it wintercaseofficer @ gmail . com to if you don't want your email to be public

  • What I want
    What would you like to see? A world where Sam and Fi are the bickering couple? Some fluffy Mike and Sam genfic where they try to find Maddy the perfect Christmas gift? Or do you want a fanvid, a fanmix, fanart, manips, or some graphics for your use or icons? Give us your three best prompts, and be as specific or general as you want. Please include AT LEAST two forms of media that you are willing to receive as gifts to ensure you are matched with a handler of appropriate expertise. If you'd like MORE than one icon, please say so, for instance. If you'd like to receive a wallpaper for your computer, please note the size of your monitor so you don't accidentally receive one too big or small etc.

  • What I can give
    If there's a character or pairing that you can't write or absolutely hate, put it here. If you want to give fic but can't write romance or can only do drabbles, if you can't make graphics even if you're sitting on a nuclear bomb, etc.

  • Are you willing to provide backup contributions??
    yes or no. Sometimes handlers get taken out by assasins (or familial obligations). It happens. Request for backup contributions will be made in early January. It's fine to say no.

  • Drop-Athon Timeline:

  • Wishlists Posted: November 1st-November 23rd
  • Assignments Sent Out: November 24th: (If you don't have yours by the evening of November 24th, please poke the mods).

  • From the time you receive your assignment till Dec 22, you may post cut outs (aka teaser gifts) for your recipient. To stay anonymous, email the cut out along with any message you have to wintercaseofficer @ gmail . com so that we can post them anonymously for you.
  • Last Date To Contact The Mods For Amnesty:
  • If you won't be able to complete your assignment due to an unforseen emergency, PLEASE immediately email the mods at wintercaseofficer @ gmail . com BY DECEMBER 8TH. A pinch-handler will then be assigned to your target.
  • Posting/Debriefing: ALL assignments are due by and will be posted on December 23rd: IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO BE OUT OF TOWN ON DECEMBER 23RD AND/OR, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR FINISHED ASSIGNMENT TO THE MODS BY THAT DATE AT wintercaseofficer @ gmail . com , AND IT WILL BE POSTED FOR YOU
  • Amnesty Posting: In case of Catastrophic Disaster (AND ONLY CATASTROPHIC DISASTER), Amnesty posting day is JANUARY 7TH. This is only for those who've had an emergency, not those with forseen circumstances that would've allowed you to get a pinch hitter.


    Your fic should be:


  • Follow your promptee's request in spirit as closely as possible.

  • Be betaed for grammer and spelling errors. If it makes you proud, then it's good to go.

  • Your icons and graphics should be:

  • Linked off of an image server that will allow worlwide viewing access (AKA not tinypic anymore, sadly). should work, your own if it allows hotlinking, etc. (Photobucket's bandwidth limits might make uploading there dicey; use your own discretion)

  • So if your icons, fanart or manips include nudity or extreme violence, they should be placed under a cutline with a warning.

    Your fanvids and mixes should be:

  • Backed up in a location that won't delete your offering!
  • That means you have it backed up somewhere in case Fox/NBCUniversal/your choice provider of music gets delete-happy some time during the fest, and you should have a backup link to said mix.


  • Back and Front covers/graphic banners to accompany them are a welcome bonus, but NOT required.

  • This ficathon will be run jointly on LJ and DW. Additionally, I've created a winter_deaddrop collection on Archive of Our Own where people can also post their stories if they so wish. At the end, I'll create a masterpost that will be posted to both LJ and DW with all the stories and locations.

    As always, contact your friendly case officer here if you have any questions about the mission. Please pimp this mission - the more the merrier.

    dropathon '10

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