May 14, 2011 03:26
- 21:25:00: Finally saw the Judas video. Tres disappointed.
- 21:26:36: No. He died. Eaten by wolves he was. RT @bigbluestars: I wonder if @ wintersidhe is tweeting these days
- 21:31:15: Note: I am getting incredibly drunk next weekend and people should join me. Prepare for drunken Disney sing-a-longs btw.
- 21:32:39: Twitter friends: *change user icons* Me: no longer has any idea who they are.
- 21:34:37: "Love a tomb."
- 21:37:49: If I don't tweet my favorite lines from the new episode of DrWho now, then I might forget, and that would be unfortunate.
- 21:38:55: Also, how many people are a little freaked that there might be one of The Silence chilling out in their basement or something? *hands*
- 21:44:18: I won't be able to download tonight's episode until tomorrow, but it's an Ood episode, and I fucking hate the Ood.
- 21:47:56: I think almost half of my f-list have DrWho related icons now. I demand everyone change their icons now.
- 21:52:27: Going to see Bridesmaid tonight because if we see Priest @ ClassicNewill will have nightmares and poop herself.
- 22:02:50: Okay, time to go see a flick. We will talk laters, my twitter peeps. @ Sphur is going to bed anyway, so whatevs. #playingfavorites
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