Title: Life Beyond The Minimum Safe Distance
Rating: G
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei/Kira Izuru
Notes/Warnings: To
akufu because I promised her more ShuuKira candy! Written for theme #12: distance @
50scenes. Running sentences galore but that's intended. Very short.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)
Shuuhei sits on the edge of the futon, bare feet on the cold wooden floor and toes quickly going numb because Izuru, asleep beside him, wrapped in a blanket that looked like a snake wound around his lithe frame, has an invisible bubble of personal space the size of all the districts of Rukongai combined when he sleeps. His knees are drawn up, body curled gracefully around itself teetering on the other edge of the futon that is big enough for two, one foot tucked under the other to ward off the cold. Shuuhei calls his name out loud once to make sure he’s really asleep then sidles closer to the blond, carefully spooning behind him and pulling him close.
He has all of thirty seconds before the blond squirms in his arms and pushes him away, still asleep. Shuuhei sighs and resumes his place on the other side of the futon.
Come morning he’ll wake to the feel of Izuru stretched out alongside the length of his body, his face nestled against Shuuhei’s neck, legs tangled in his.
For now he lies on his side facing Izuru, hand held out palm up in the space between them like an invitation. As if sensing the invite the blond rolls on the futon to face him, his mouth slightly parted and his blond hair spread out on the pillow, a foot and a half away. Shuuhei reaches out to trace the contour of a cheekbone with his finger and draws back just as golden brows come together in a frown. Izuru sighs and Shuuhei yawns, settles down, and lets the sound of his lover’s soft breathing lull him to sleep.
When he wakes up the next morning he has Izuru in his arms and has to fight the urge to laugh. Izuru, unaware, blinks sleepily, mumbles something unintelligible and snuggles closer to his side.
The two of them are inseparable for the rest of the day.
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