Title: The Nutella Man: the Aftermath [2/2]
Rating: g
Genre: crack
Pairing: none
Summary: Sehun discovers the meaning of rolling puppies.
“Chanyeol, get out. I need to piss,” Sehun orders.
Chanyeol looks up from scrubbing the bowl (his assigned punishment. Jongin got to clean the bathtub).
“Nuh-uh,” he says. “Not until you tell me why you decided to become the Nutella Man.”
Sehun glowers at him. "I'm not telling you."
"Then go piss outside."
There's a moment of silence as the sparks fly between them.
"Fine," Sehun says grumpily, because he actually really needs to pee. "If you really want to know, I watched your crappy video because I wanted tips. Happy? Can I piss now?"
Chanyeol squirts some blue disinfectant down the sides of the toilet and scrubs some more, digesting the new information. His expression becomes momentarily confused. “Huh? You’re talking about the video with the rolling puppies…right?” he asks slowly.
“Yes,” Sehun deadpans.
“Oh!” Chanyeol fails to control his spasms of laughter. “Oh. I dunno, Sehunnie. Junmyeon-hyung told me he likes dogs. I said to watch it cos I was trying to convince you to see how cute they were! And then maybe you’d adopt one or something, you know? And dude, I'm never eating Nutella again- "
Sehun drags Chanyeol out by the back of his hoodie. He also makes sure to do an excessively foul dump and “forgets” to flush.
a/n: welcome to the shitty