Title: How the Doctor Got His Friend
donutsweeperChallenge: AU
Rating: G
Spoilers/warnings: None whatsoever
Summary: Even teddy bears need friends.
Susan was three when she got the fuzzy teddy bear.
"His name is Grandfather Bear." Auntie Barbara gently explained as she read the name off the tag.
"I don' care. E's my Doctor Bear," she said, hugging him close. So Doctor Bear he became. Auntie Polly stitched up a silly looking hat for him to wear after Susan turned down Uncle Ian's offer of getting a pretend stethoscope and white coat for him, explaining "E's not that kind of Doctor, silly!"
Doctor Bear went through many costume changes and had a lot of adventures while under Susan's care. Her neighbor, Jamie, whittled a small stick into a pretend recorder for him, and that nice Mrs. Grant down the street made him a cape out of a ripped handkerchief. And so on and so forth. Susan was very appreciative of all the presents and, after saying thank you of course, usually launched into a story about how Doctor Bear used his most recent acquisition to save the universe, even if it wasn't anything more than a scarf and a piece of string.
"Susan," Mummy would always say, "you have such a wonderful imagination."
"No Mummy," Susan would counter as she set back up the salt and pepper shakers on the kitchen table, "I have such a wonderful Bear," she added before Doctor Bear knocked them down again.
One day, a few weeks before her fifth birthday, Susan came home from playing with her friends dragging Doctor Bear behind her and looking very sad. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Daddy asked. "Didn't you have fun playing with your friends?"
"It's not fair, Daddy. I have so many friends, but Doctor Bear is all alone."
"You have a lot of other stuffed animals, Susan. There's the little dog K-9, and Kamelion the robot, and don't forget Peri the clown or your pink bunny, Rose."
"But they're my friends, not his." She blinked furiously to hold back her tears. "He doesn't have anyone but me."
"Don't worry, sweetie." Daddy leaned forward to ruffle her hair. "I'm sure Mummy and I can do something about that."
Three days later a lumpy package was waiting on the table when Susan and Doctor Bear came down for breakfast.
"I bet you're wondering what that is," Mummy said after a minute or two. Susan, her eyes wide, merely nodded. "Well, I know it's not your birthday yet, but as it happens today is Doctor Bear's birthday. So, we got him a present."
"You did?" She reached over to carefully place Doctor Bear on the table, adjusting his little leather coat so he wasn't sitting on it. "What is it?"
"You have to open it to find out."
"Hear that, Doctor Bear? This is for you!" Susan pushed the bear up to the package. "I better help you open it." A few rips and tears and flying bit of paper later a brown bear emerged. "Ooh, another bear! Now Doctor Bear'll have a friend! Thank you, Mummy! Thank you, Daddy!" She ran over to hug her parents, dragging the bears behind her. "I think he looks like a Captain Bear, don't you? He and Doctor Bear are gonna have so much fun together!"
Doctor Bear and Captain Bear became fast friends and had many adventures together. First they protected the kitchen from a horde of salt and pepper shakers, then they went on to save the hallway from the evil attacking marbles and then......