AGAIN i am talking to belinda... sigh.
i'll paste the conversation:
minky242000: hey
cindersiren20: hey
minky242000: how goes it
cindersiren20: not bad
minky242000: brb on the phone
minky242000: ok back
cindersiren20: ok
minky242000: ya
minky242000: he was here on sunday
cindersiren20: oh really?
minky242000: yes
cindersiren20: are you guys back together?
minky242000: no
cindersiren20: oh
minky242000: ya
minky242000: but we kind of talk now
cindersiren20: well if that's what you want, that's cool
minky242000: well sort of
minky242000: just a little confused about some other stuff
cindersiren20: that sucks
cindersiren20: brb
minky242000: yes it does
minky242000: ok
cindersiren20: ok back sorry
minky242000: wb
cindersiren20: lol
cindersiren20: so have you found out if you're pregnant or not?
minky242000: well rob told me that he has taken u off his all his lists
minky242000: not yet
cindersiren20: pffft
cindersiren20: that's alright
minky242000: lol
cindersiren20: i beat him on that little race long ago
minky242000: oh
cindersiren20: did he finally read his emails?
minky242000: i guess
cindersiren20: well that's good.
minky242000: he was mad for a little bit cuz i told you that he was so done with you
cindersiren20: what the hell did it matter?? he's done with me
cindersiren20: was he supposed to be the one to tell me?
cindersiren20: christ that kid has issues
minky242000: yes he does
cindersiren20: please tell me he's finished talking about me already
minky242000: that was all he said
cindersiren20: well that's good
cindersiren20: a little disappointed he had nothing better to say, but still good.
minky242000: well i just remembered something
cindersiren20: what's that
minky242000: he called you a sap as well
cindersiren20: BAH!! ROFL
cindersiren20: a sap?!?
minky242000: yes
minky242000: cuz u took back your bf
cindersiren20: excuse me while i fall off my chair XD
cindersiren20: well, i'm quite sure i don't need any sort of relationship advice from the likes of him
minky242000: lol
cindersiren20: at least my partner isn't taking me for all i have so i can move back in with my parents and live off of them
minky242000: what do u mean by that?
minky242000: is that what brenda did?
cindersiren20: yep
cindersiren20: apparently she's the reason he went bankrupt
minky242000: really
minky242000: well i knew he went bankrupt but i had not idea it was b/c of her
cindersiren20: at least that's what he told me so really, who knows
cindersiren20: he told me it was because she didn't take care of the bills
cindersiren20: so i don't kow
cindersiren20: *know
minky242000: well it makes sense
cindersiren20: i suppose
minky242000: ya
and then i signed off. jesus. christ. what a nerd. anyways, that's about it. jason is being an ass (what else is new) and brady has turned into a holy fucking terror because "grammy and grampy" let him do whatever the FUCK he wants to. i'm going to have some work ahead of me when they finally leave.
on that subject, i just have to rant a little bit more. i've come to the conclusion that i hate seeing them. i mean, curtis is good. i don't mind him at all but judy makes me mental. she's just number one, a very difficult person to read, and number two, she writes everything that brady does off on the fact that "he's only two." well excuse me, but fuck off. brady does know that you are not supposed to hit, slap, punch, or kick any other human being, he does know what he is allowed to touch and what he's not, he DOES know that when mom says no, she means no. she doesn't mean that "grammy" (can i just say how much that name drives me fucking insane??!?) can just come along and say it's ok brady you're only two you can do what you want. i hated living there, and i hate them coming out here. i'm happy they live so far away.
it is now 12:40am and brady is STILL AWAKE. this is insane. i'm going to kill someone soon...good thing they leave on thursday. then things will go back to normal. but bleh, i'm tired and i'm going to bed. in a bit. update probably tomorrow or on thursday. whenever i get a free second or two.