Title: “The Translation’s a little vague…”
Characters: Jack and Daniel
Paring: Gen
Word Count: <300
Summary: done for the 'take a break challenge' at the sos_lounge, kind of a missing scene for "The Fifth Race," prompts found at the end.
“The Translation’s a little vague…”
by: pegasus_north
“That can’t be it Jack.”
“Daniel, who’s the one with the database stuck in his head? I’m telling you, that’s what it is.”
“You’re sure?”
Taking in the dubious look Daniel had on his face, Jack drummed his fingers on the edge of the desk for a moment. “Well, what do you think it is then?” he asked.
Daniel pulled a notebook from the pile on the desk, “there’s an earlier reference here that says that the attendants were responsible for ensuring that every object was configured to match exactly to each individuals’ special requirements and personality, although requirements in this case could also be taken to mean dexterity. So given that, plus the level of technology this civilization achieved, and the dimensions that Sam gave us, I was leaning more towards a personal computer or translator device myself.”
“Look, you see that little square on the upper left block?” Jack said, as he pointed at the area in question. “That tells us what it is.”
Looking at the offending bit Jack was gesturing at, Daniel frowned, “you know, if we go to General Hammond, and tell him that you’ve managed to translate this piece as ‘…and all the delegates had to be in possession of their own personal umbrella prior to being granted admission to the council…’ he’s going to have Janet calling in the psychiatric team for both of us…again.”
“Alright, you come up with something then.”
Prompts: pick a show, and a word / phrase from the list…
SG-1, season 2: The Fifth Race / Umbrella