2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Part 2
I never really expected this to take off so well, let alone end up with 4000+ comments. Now it's time for part 2!
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1. We are all here to have a little fun. Am I right?
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JOHNNY AND STEPHANE ARE ADAM RIPPON'S GAY DADS. Jeremy is his gay uncle, Yu-Na is his bff who everyone thinks he's dating. (PChan is the straight gay who's trying to get with Yu-Na and Adam is disturbed and protective.) Jeffrey Buttle is his real boyfriend? idk I am ~open to other options for that one. (But if JButt if his boyfriend, Evan is totally the guy who's trying to get with Jeffrey and steal him from Adam. OBVIOUSLY THIS WILL NEVER WORK and is also the main reason Johnny hates him.)
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