
Mar 06, 2010 23:18

2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Part 2

I never really expected this to take off so well, let alone end up with 4000+ comments. Now it's time for part 2!
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1. We are all here to have a little fun. Am I right? 
Read more... )

rules, olympics, kink

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filled: Worlds 2011 (part 1/?) anonymous March 16 2010, 06:33:51 UTC
There are good things and bad things about being stuck in Evan Lysacek’s body. Well, mostly bad things. The good part is that Johnny can finally see what the idiot looks like without bronzer and with his hair done right and not slicked back, and the truth is he looks pretty good. Johnny’s always kind of wanted to do this to him, just get in there and fix things, but doing so would mean talking to Evan. Johnny much prefers it this way, like Evan’s body is a life-size doll for him to play with. He’s wearing a pink T-shirt that’s always been a little too big for him and on Evan it’s fitted and it looks good. Shows off his muscles. He looks, Johnny thinks while studying the mirror in Evan’s bathroom, like someone Johnny might pick up at a club during the off-season. Dumb but cute ( ... )


Worlds 2011 (part 11/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 06:54:48 UTC
Johnny's had stress dreams like this. Going out onto the ice completely underprepared, wearing a costume he doesn't even recognize and music he's barely heard. The only difference is that generally in stress dreams it's a big competition, like the Olympics, and here it's just a few people who are extremely focused on him skating well. He's not sure which is worse ( ... )


Worlds 2011 (part 12/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 06:56:26 UTC
It feels like the longest practice of his life, and he’s had some pretty difficult practices. The worst part is that Johnny’s actually kind of proud of how well he’s skating under the circumstances. By the end of the day, he’s feeling a lot more comfortable in Evan’s body, definitely much better than the day before. But still, the look on Frank’s face grows more and more shuttered, and Johnny can’t help but feel hopelessly inadequate. And inadequate to Evan Lysacek, of all people.

The worst part comes at the end of practice. Frank takes him aside by the elbow and tells him quietly that if he skates like that at Worlds, he’s going to be letting down the country. The fucking country. And the way he says it isn’t even angry, just sad and a little hurt, like Johnny-Evan-is ruining everything on purpose ( ... )


Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 06:57:09 UTC
He gets dressed slowly, collecting his thoughts and trying to calm down, and walks out of the rink, trying not to meet Frank’s eye. There’s a couple reporters standing by the rink, not like a paparazzi ambush or anything, just some people who look excited when they see him and start snapping pictures.

Johnny’s always loved the media. Sure, they can take quotes out of context and no one’s managed to write an article about him in the last five years without including the word "flamboyant", but despite that, Johnny likes talking to the press. He wanders over, and sure enough the reporters stick their microphones in his face excitedly ( ... )


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 07:08:47 UTC


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 09:07:21 UTC


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 10:58:41 UTC
Johnny tries to keep his face as blank of any emotion or thought as possible so that he looks authentic.


And wow, mass update! Pot stirring! You rock. :D


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 19 2010, 16:05:19 UTC


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) aurora_84 March 19 2010, 17:49:10 UTC
I love this so much!!


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) thedaytheystop March 20 2010, 05:15:33 UTC
I love this SO MUCH. The part with Frank killed me. :( I can't wait for the next part!!! You are AMAZING.


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 13/?) anonymous March 20 2010, 16:57:07 UTC


Worlds 2011 (part 14a/?) anonymous March 20 2010, 17:47:58 UTC
Note: A big huge collective thank you to everyone who's commented! ♥ You guys are really helping get this story written, I would have given up ages ago if it weren't for the motivation and support.He gets a call from Evan a few minutes later asking where he is. Evan Lysacek is pretty much the last person in the world he wants to see right now, but he does want to find out how Evan's practice went today, so they end up meeting in the lobby of Evan's hotel. Johnny can only hope that anyone who sees them together will find it perfectly in character for his new role as defender of Johnny Weir's reputation ( ... )


Worlds 2011 (part 14b/?) anonymous March 20 2010, 17:49:27 UTC
"I guess. I don't know how ( ... )


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 14b/?) anonymous March 20 2010, 17:50:37 UTC
"Yeah, of course they're upset, okay? That's what you wanted, right? You always have to make people upset." Johnny's always found Evan hard to read, so this is unsettling, because he knows his own face and he knows his own expressions. And Evan's furious, he looks like Johnny after the 2008 Nationals, and Johnny might feel bad except that Evan's spent his entire career distancing himself from everything Johnny is and does. He's only pissed off now because Johnny pretended to be him and said something nice about himself. Okay, so it was more than that, it's not like Johnny didn't know it would piss him off, but still-you might even place below Weir and Dancing With The Stars and never having to come up with a million ways to dodge the words "I'm gay", and Johnny had to do something.

"It wasn't about making people upset," he says. "It was about evening the playing field."

"It was about that you're a vindictive little nutjob," Evan spits. "You're in my body. Do you understand how-I mean, you know the things I could do in your body?" ( ... )


^ lol messed up the subject lines, this is part 14c anonymous March 20 2010, 17:51:24 UTC


Re: Worlds 2011 (part 14b/?) anonymous March 20 2010, 18:11:02 UTC
This is excellent. I can't wait to see more.


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