2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Figure Skating Post!
Only figure skating/ice dancing prompts/fills go here!
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Other Sports and Crossovers are here. Speed Skating is here. Rules are still there to be followed.
If you are new, please be sure to read the rules before posting.
Feel free to repost any prompts that have not been
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Five times Johnny spoke at Stéphane's funeral and one time he spoke at their wedding.
Break my heart and fix it, anon.
oh god, this is beautifully written, and absolutely horribly painful.
You have captured the essence of losing a loved one perfectly - that raw, slow bleeding, lonely heartache that only the return of the late loved one can heal. I'm still in tears.
I have been searching for years for something that explained that feeling and you've hit it dead on, especially with this line: There's no one to take it off now. It's so simple but it explains that feeling of loss so perfectly that I just can't even....I hope you continue this because you really touched me with it.
3. It is Stéphane's last night, but he doesn't know it as he watches Johnny cook. With a hand on one hip, Johnny measures and pours ingredients with surgical precision - although he has already been retired for a year, the vestiges of a competitive diet still lurk inside his food decisions. But in a brief act of rebellion, Johnny adds an extra teaspoon of butter into the pot and smiles with a guilty pride. Stéphane inexplicably swoons at this minor gesture of defiance, and begins to pay more attention as Johnny chops, sautés, and bends far over to take something out of the oven. The oven emits a heady aroma of hot, dry air, and Stéphane feels his body becoming more sensitive and alert. He shifts restlessly, and decides that tonight must be a very, very, good one ( ... )
It's grown long so we're probably due for a fresh new one soon but it's still plenty active.
Here it is: http://wintergameskink.livejournal.com/4328.html?thread=6601704#t6601704
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