2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Figure Skating Post!
Only figure skating/ice dancing prompts/fills go here!
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OP would like a longer fic with building UST, some angst, a happy ending and sexytimes. If and how much Johnny changes the rest of his team is up to anon. Bonus points for some training on spins or movement where they get up-close-and-personal, demanding coach!Stéphane (which may translate to other areas...) and maybe some UST-filled hurt/comfort after some judging wank.
Sorry for the long prompt, but hopefully it inspires someone! I would be happy with just the skeleton of the prompt in tact. run with it anons!
(Dammit, sometimes I wish I could write, but I definitely couldn't do any of my favorite prompts justice. I just hate waiting!)
Seriously, I've idly been entertaining this happy thought since that Q&A where someone asked Stéphane if he might consider coaching. Stéphane said that he didn't feel ready to give the kind of total commitment that coaching takes (because he wants to keep doing shows for a while), but that he would be interested in choreographing. Add to that Johnny's explanation that he skipped Worlds because he need time to think about retooling his approach if he wanted to win, and it seemed the most sensible thing ever.
Sorry for the wank. But yes, fic please, lovely Anons?
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