2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Figure Skating Post!
Only figure skating/ice dancing prompts/fills go here!
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Other Sports and Crossovers are here. Speed Skating is here.
Figure Skating Part 1 is here. Rules are still there to be followed.
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Harlequin Presents AU - title ganked from their latest batch, The Prince's Chambermaid. That's right, kinkmemers, zebraswan ftw. (This adorable art fill (http://wintergameskink.livejournal.com/4328.html?thread=5559016#t5559016) has absolutely *nothing* to do with this prompt. Erhm.)
Bonus points for Stéphane behaving princely, Johnny being naughty and bending over a lot while cleaning Stéphane's room(s), Stéphane trying to control himself and be a gentleman but failing miserably and adorably in the face of Johnny's wiles. BUT REALLY I WOULD LOVE ANY KIND OF PRINCELY ZEBRASWAN.
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