Title: Still Fighting
Aaronlisa Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairing/Characters: Echo
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dollhouse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Set before the events of the Epitaph episodes. But set post-series.
Summary: She fights even though it's hopeless.
Word Count: 210
Taking down Rossum was supposed to make things easier, it was supposed to make things better. Instead it did nothing. Nothing changed, the dollhouses didn't stop working, instead more dollhouses were created and eventually the end that Boyd had seen from the start came to fruition.
Sometimes Echo wonders why she bothers. Safe Haven is safe enough from Rossum, they're well protected and they can make enough supply runs to keep the little community thriving. Trying to fight Rossum and Neuropolis is an endeavour that's bound to fail. No matter how hard she fights, they have the strength of numbers, something that she's lacking. It's hopeless and unless they manage to save Topher or they manage to get someone to replace Topher (and she only ever thought that Bennett could compare to Topher) then all they're doing is wasting their time.
It's hopeless. Completely hopeless.
And Echo knows it. She knows now what had driven Boyd to the lengths that he had been driven. Ten years later, she's become Boyd in a way. Taking down Rossum only made it easier for the end to come. All she can do is keeping wasting her time, to keep throwing herself against Neuropolis' towers in the hopes that maybe she'll bring them down.