Fic: Under the Cover of Darkness (Draco/Blaise)

Dec 06, 2011 14:01

TITLE: Under the Cover of Darkness
SUMMARY: Draco has nightmares. He visits Blaise in the middle of the night.
FANDOM: Harry Potter (Draco/Blaise)
STATUS: Complete - One Shot
DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. This story is a work of fiction and came from the deepest, darkest, corner of my imagination.
AUTHORS NOTE: Written for Day 6 @ adventchallenge (25 stories - 25 days). Thanks to freakingcrups for beta-reading.


It starts sporadically.

One night, with no warning whatsoever, Blaise awakes to find someone crawling into bed beside him.

“What the fuck?” he mumbles, still half asleep.

“Shh, it’s just me.”

“Draco?” Blaise sits up wearily and rubs his eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I can’t sleep. I’m starting to have those nightmares again, and its bloody freezing-” he works his way under the blankets and curls up on his side of the bed. “The usual.”

Blaise is too tired to argue, too tired to tell Draco to get out, too tired to really care. He shifts over to give Draco a little more room and goes back to sleep.


When it happens again the next night, Blaise sleepily opens his eyes to see Draco’s hair, visible even in the darkness. “You all right?” Blaise mumbles.

Draco nods, shuffling around until he manages to find a comfortable position. “Yeah. I’m okay.”

Blaise doesn’t bother shifting back, doesn’t bother moving out of Draco’s personal space. He just closes his eyes, breath puffing gently across Draco’s shoulder.


Blaise flinches ever so slightly when Draco’s cold toes brush his leg. He rolls onto his back and throws a weary arm over his eyes. “This is becoming a habit.”

“Sorry,” Draco whispers. “I can leave-”

“It’s okay.”


“So what’s wrong? Nightmares?”

“Yeah. Always the same one. I’m stuck in this pitch black room all by myself and I know I’m dreaming and I know that I’ll wake up, but I just can’t shake this horrible sense of confinement - so I panic. I wake up alone in my bed in a pitch black room and I just need to know that someone else is here, you know?”

“Yeah.” Blaise nudges his shoulder into Draco’s. “I get it.”


“How come we never...”

“Never what?” Blaise asks tiredly. It’s another night, another evening of Draco waking him up by slipping under the covers.

“You know...” Draco rolls onto his side and Blaise can feel his warm breath against his shoulder.

And suddenly, Blaise understands. “We’re friends, I guess. Friendship is important.”

“We’ve been friends forever. Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to play around a little?”

Blaise looks at him, eyes searching for Draco’s in the darkness. “Are you saying you want to?”

“I’m saying, that I’m wondering why we haven’t.”

Blaise shrugs. “I don’t know. We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. I have your back and you have mine. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”



A cold body presses up against his back. Blaise shivers and resists the urge to pull away. “Why are you so cold?”

“I kicked my blankets off.” Draco shuffles closer, moulding his chest to Blaise’s back.

Blaise doesn’t tell him to move.


It’s becoming a habit. Somewhere along the way their personal space bubble popped and suddenly it makes complete sense for Draco to climb into Blaise’s bed and immediately spoon their bodies together.

The nights that Draco doesn’t immediately shuffle close, Blaise reaches across the bed to pull him over; each night slinking a little closer until their legs tangle together and their faces rest inches apart.


“We should do it.” Draco said.

“Do what?”

“Play around.”

“With each other?” Blaise chuckles. “I’m sure Vin, Greg, and Theo would love that.”

“They don’t have to know.”

“It might be a little hard to miss.”

Draco props himself up on one elbow and looks down at Blaise. “Are you insinuating that I can’t keep quiet?”

“I’m insinuating that if I had my way with you, you wouldn’t want to keep quiet.”

“You can’t just dangle a promise like that in front of me-”

“I’m not dangling anything. That was my roundabout way of saying that it’s okay if you want to touch me. I want you to touch me.”

Draco slips one hand under Blaise’s shirt, his fingers dancing lightly across his stomach, moving lower. Blaise bites his bottom lip, stifling a moan.

“You like that,” Draco whispers, his hand slipping under the elastic band of Blaise’s boxers.

Blaise moaned. He did like it, there was no use denying it.

“These need to come off,” Draco murmurs.

Blaise lifts his hips allowing Draco to pull his boxers down over his legs. His mind tells him they shouldn’t do this, but his heart and cock speak louder. Moving quickly, he kicks his boxers the rest of the way off and yanks his shirt over his head.

“Take your clothes off,” Blaise whispers, reaching out to pull at Draco’s shirt.

Draco slips off the end of the bed and stands. He hauls his shirt over his head and tosses it aside. A huge wicked grin crosses his lips. “Maybe we should cast some sort of Silencing Charm.” He slides one teasingly hand across his chest.

“Keep your mouth shut and we’ll be fine.” Blaise grins.

Slowly, Draco lowers both hands to the waist of his pants. He edges the waist lower until Blaise can see the slightest hint of light, blond fuzz dancing below his navel.

“You’re teasing,” Blaise complains.

“Me? Never.” Draco lowers the waist a little more until his cock springs free. Climbing back onto the bed, he covers Blaise’s body with his own until there is nothing between them.

They gaze into each other’s eyes. Their lips connecting and tongues melding together. The friction between them increases as Draco forces Blaise’s legs further apart until they are rutting against each other.

“If you keep doing that, I’m going to come,” Blaise whispers.

“Then come, I want you to come. We have all night.”


fandom: harry potter, fic: fanfiction, fic: nc-17

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