BTs… dangerous guys, seem a lot of people die from them… ;-)

Jun 20, 2009 20:09

I don’t know about you, but the BTs scare me! Why? Well don’t you know? Every year more and more people die a’ BTs. :-P

Diabetic Poochie: So we’re trying to get AR’s BG under control. The glucometer only specified “HI” when blood glucose is 500 or over, and since the owner is a negligent as well as cheap bastard, we aren’t running a blood assay to get a specific figure-not that it would make much of a difference. Instead we are jabbing her hourly at a quarter past the hour for CBGs and if she is over 250 we give her 4 units Humulin-R IM (that’s regular insulin, and yes, I did say IM… weird… especially considering we still use insulin needles to do it, and those are short little needles).

Anyway, at around 2315 I finally got it below 250 so we switched CBGs to Q3hr. After I walked her (major polydypsia and polyuria-which is actually why she came in), her kennel door must have somehow not latched properly. I’m guessing the weight of the IVF pump offset the spring latches and she was able to squeeze out, but five minutes later I leave a kennel after checking on some other patients and AR goes darting bye me frantically trying to find the exit… leaving a little trail of blood behind her.

Fortunately the IVC was still patent although she would go on to bypass her e-collar and chew out her T-port twice. The IVC would eventually infiltrate a few hours later and IVF were DCd until the morning when a new IVC would be placed. Needless to say, she was so wound up that her BG kept going up and up despite only a few ounces of W/D. Just managing the anxiety would have really helped. Maybe a little chewable valium… :-P She made the night interesting to say the least. It was exhausting, and my back is starting to bother me after 37 hours in three days. Phew… I’m just going to vegetate the first half of Saturday and skip the two get-togethers.
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