Your True Birth Month Is February
Loves reality
Loves freedom
Low self esteem
Honest and loyal
Abstract thoughts
Daring and stubborn
Changing personality
Showing anger easily
Intelligent and clever
Loves aggressiveness
Quiet, shy and humble
Learns to show emotions
Rebellious when restricted
Determined to reach goals
Superstitious and ludicrous
Dislikes unnecessary things
Realizing dreams and hopes
Too sensitive and easily hurt
Loves entertainment and leisure
Romantic on the inside not outside
Loves making friends but rarely shows it
What's Your True Birth Month? Your Japanese Name Is...
Shika Shimizudani
What's your Japanese Name? Your Linguistic Profile:
45% General American English
35% Yankee
10% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak? 1: FOUR HUNDRED entries back and I'm finally updated with LJ. Someone remind me to remove communities from my general flist.
2: Oy, SJ people, talk to Dorky and explain to me who the hell he sounds like. [glomps Tom] Nah, I wouldn't put you through that. =P
3: Since I wasn't here: Happy Birthday to Brian McFadden. The formerly blonde former 'Lifer is, 25.
4: Yes, I will post an actual update at one point. I need to install Uni first.