somarium application

Jun 15, 2011 10:03

[Player name] Lisa
[Age] 22
[Personal Journal] yamihikari02
[Other characters currently played]
Kobato Hanato | Kobato | kobatonotdobato
Finnian | Kuroshitsuji | wantrobotgarden

[Character name] Flora
[Age] 18
[Canon] Winx Club
[Point in time taken from canon] Season 3 Episode 12, Just after she gains her Enchantix.


When Flora was first introduced in the show, she appears to be a girl who is very shy and doesn't exactly stand out as much as the others in one way or another, but that's usually at the start. Once she is closer friends with the group she has shown to actually care for them, this even includes Stella, who a lot of the time has shown to pick on her wardrobe at least once.

When it comes to people, animals and even plants; the very thing that her winx is about, she is a very kind and gentle person, who would help them in anyway she can to make sure they are okay and are taken care of, she even has shown to be helpful even to people she doesn't know, like when someone who helped Bloom with the witches was turned into a pumpkin, Flora was the one who was trying to figure out the spell to change the girl back. This can also show she does have some determination when needed in order to get something done, even if it does take time.

Much like her spells that she uses, Flora isn't one to really want to fight, instead she is more of the defensive and supportive roles, being used as a distraction of some sort for a brief period. The same could be said for outside of battle as well, she would prefer to settle things without having to fight. Because of this it makes expressing how she feels hard, because she doesn't want to hurt others or cause any type or fight or argument to come about.

Flora maybe the quietest one of the group and the most shy, but as her friends give her more confidence to be able to do things, she's slowly starting to speak a tiny bit more and therefore grows a stronger bond with those she is rooming with. Overall she is a very sensitive girl, who would project her friends with her life and also doesn't want plants and the like to be hurt either.

When Flora finally does have a love interest in Season 2, she has trouble approaching it correctly, if at all, as she had stated herself 'Girls in her world don't make the first move.' but with enough confidence she managed to confront Helia about it. This shows that even though she said she wouldn't make the first move, with enough confidence she can do anything if she has people eventually helping her to by talking.

As noted above Flora would do anything for her friends and even her family, even if it means putting her life in danger to save them. An example of this would be the moment she got her Enchantix, she risked her life in order to save her little sister from drowning and dying in a affected river the Trix had made happened.

She does have some fight in her, but it's not as obvious as some of the other since if given a choice she'd rather not, unless it's a life or death situation.

As a Winx fairy, Flora harnesses the power of plants and nature. With her original Winx form it comes with some spells that she can use, but unlike a lot of the other members of the Winx club, Flora's powers are more used for defensive purposes rather than for attack.

The next level for a winx fairy to achieve would be Enchantix, which Flora from her canon point has managed to attain by saving her little sister from danger. This comes with a new form and new powers and more powerful spells than she could get from her normal winx outfit she had. Though with the Enchantix she also has a power called Fairy Dust that has been known to work on any type of dark spell that has been cast on anything.

Along with the spells that she could use in her Winx forms, Flora knows other spells that can fix plants as well as other minor spells that they learn throughout their time at school. Flora on the other hand can also mix up potions that can create different effects, one example being a potion that can multiply a plant when the potion hits the object she wants to multiply.

She also has a connection to plants and nature in general since that's what her winx is based from, so looking after plants is much easier for her than possibly others as she would know what is needed. She can also listen to nature and hear what it's saying.

[Other important stuff]
I tend to play Flora based on the 4kids version of the show since that is the one I'm use to seeing, but when it comes to certain names of places like Sparks being Domino, I keep the original names.

[Sample post]
[First Person]
What do you think of your home world?
If you went there yourself, you would know that it's a very peaceful place, which is a place I adore next to Alfea.

If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
As I mentioned before, my world is peaceful and the nature is very happy there. So I would love to go back and enjoy that. You can also find certain plants that only can be found there.

What were you doing before now?
I was saving my younger sister. She's such a sweetie pie, but sometimes she can get herself into trouble, but I did what a big sister would always do and saved her.

If you were to describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?
I think I would say I was very kind hearted. I don't like to fight, so I think this sums me up the best, wouldn't you say?

If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?
I wouldn't do anything mean back. Trying to talk through your problems sounds like the best way to deal with it, violence is not the answer, nor is being a bully.

Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
Easy, a good Vine Wrap would keep them bound and stops them from escaping for when I need to get the item back. Though I do have to wonder why would someone want to do such a thing in the first place.

[Third Person]
Flora was sitting quietly in a rather small garden, a smile passing by her lips as she did. This was her garden, one she had built up herself since her stay here by herself with plants she enjoyed tending to. Reaching over to one of the more withered plants, she leant over.

"You must be getting hungry right, sweetie? I'll go get you some water so you can grow some more."

Moving her hand away she went up to her feet, and walked calmly over to her watering bucket, picking it up and looking into it quietly. It seemed that the amount of water left in there wasn't enough for this one plant alone to feed it. She needed to go fetch some nice fresh water for it to enjoy. With a smile graced upon her lips, she started to make the walk to her place, in order for her to refill the watering can.

On her way she stopped by another couple of plants. She leant over and poured the final bit of the small amount in the can on them. "There you go sweetie, at least this way we used up all the water and you get all the good things from it."

With the flowers not watered closer to home, she went inside to fill up. She still kept thinking about her friends as the water started to pour into the can and kept thinking about how she missed them and if they would ever come here as well, but so far she wasn't keeping her hopes up to much. Oh well, at least for now she had plants that needed her help and that's what matters for the moment.

Once the water had reached it's peak, Flora turned off the tap and, no matter how heavy the thing was, she was going to attempt to carry it all the way back to feed that plant and any others that may need it, because she knew what they wanted, she knew that they were hungry and she wasn't one who was going to ignore a plant in need.

Her friends she knew could handle themselves for now, until she could find a way back, but for now it was just her and the many plants she had been growing.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?]
Because this is a type of world I'm sure Flora would be very interested in.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?]
Be nice to others. Reason is obvious, being mean doesn't get us anywhere.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] app_this_plz ages ago.
[Any questions?] Nope.
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