A Weekend with Ghosts

Aug 22, 2009 21:11

Last weekend Beth and I took our annual trip to the Berkshires to see Randy's performance in Ghosts. We had purchased our tickets back in mid-January long before Randy's participation was announced to the public and I had gotten my airline ticket to Hartford, CT. In years past, Katy would always pick me up at the airport and we would drive ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

Wow! lori571 August 23 2009, 03:47:27 UTC
Great review Dixie! You have such a respect for all the actors and it comes across in all your reviews. Thanks for all your insights and recounts of Stockbridge too. It really is a fantastic place. Love the photo you have of Randy too.


Re: Wow! wirthwoman August 23 2009, 03:52:33 UTC
Thanks. I do love to meet all the actors because they are always so appreciative when you compliment them on their performances especially when Randy gets the lion's share of attention. We really missed you there this year and I hope you can make it next year. Here is how he looked at the after party.


gaedhal August 23 2009, 05:48:18 UTC
Thanks for posting your thoughts.


wirthwoman August 23 2009, 14:10:10 UTC
Thanks for reading them Gael. It would be lovely to see you there sometime.


gaedhal August 24 2009, 03:39:46 UTC
To tell you the truth -- you won't see me there.

I think you know why.


wirthwoman August 24 2009, 05:03:34 UTC
I reckon I do.


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wirthwoman August 23 2009, 13:44:55 UTC
Thanks Jeannie,

Sometimes I think I do go on and on about little details and such but I write in this journal so I will have a record of it to remember what happened and some of my friends who don't have LJ's want to know details so I just direct them here once I get my thoughts down. It saves sending out individual e-mails.


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wirthwoman August 23 2009, 19:13:05 UTC
As I mentioned before, I wasn't paying much attention to Randy and the fans because I have seen it all before and it's best to stand back and wait for an opening if you want to say anything to him. I used the time to talk to the other cast members and the usual suspects that show up for his opening night. It's a fun time for me ( ... )


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wirthwoman August 23 2009, 13:56:25 UTC
Thanks Maureen, I try to be a good fan and not a pest.

I always know that I will at least get a chance to say hello to you each time we meet but you are like me and we move about the crowd to enjoy the whole experience. I have always enjoyed plays and used to belong to the Broadway series in Pittsburgh for many years and I really like to speak to the actors when I get a chance. I loved the after party of Cuckoo' Nest because there were so many cast members to meet. If I lived closer, I would be a subscriber and go to all of the plays at the BTF. I envy your geographic location.


fraserette August 23 2009, 13:05:25 UTC
I was pretty sure I saw you there but since we have never really spoken I felt weird going up to introduce myself. I REALLY enjoyed the Q and A, this was my second time doing it and I always have a question to ask so it's much fun!

This was my second fav Randy play besides Mrs. Warren's Profession, I think I have a theater niche and it's definitely for classics.


wirthwoman August 23 2009, 14:08:16 UTC
I wish you had come up to me. I would never consider it weird to meet someone new. I don't know what you look like and I see so many familiar faces of people whose names I don't know. Each time I read of someone from LJ or IMDB being at the same play, I wish I knew who they were. I did get to meet several new people this year. I think I will try to make more Q & A's. If you go to the opening and stay over for the Monday Q & A, you have a free day to roam the area and this year we went to VT.

I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I guess Ibsen is not my cup of tea but I am glad I got to see it. I also go to Niagara on the Lake every couple of years to the Shaw Festival so I do see a variety of plays, some good, some not so good but the theatre experience is always good.


fraserette August 23 2009, 14:29:02 UTC
Did you see a girl creeping on you? That would be moi! I am awesome at creeping! ;)

I actually think you were sitting in front of my at the Q and A, I was the girl who asked if any of the actors learned another language.


wirthwoman August 23 2009, 15:33:21 UTC
Hee, hee, no I didn't see you creeping but it would have been fun. I didn't look around to see who was asking the questions. I was in the first row in seat 104 and I had on a black and white sweater with red roses on it. At least you got a response from Randy with your question. I was afraid he wouldn't say anything. I particularly liked his response about his choice of roles.

I was surprised at how much older he looked in the play but when he came out for the Q&A and also the after party, he looked like a young boy again. He doesn't seem to age much and neither does Gale. They'll always be young and always be beautiful!


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