UW Oshkosh

Sep 04, 2003 22:18

So yeah, i've been up here since monday, and i've noticed a few things about the campus ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

aioyp September 4 2003, 21:08:51 UTC
Yeah, I like the campus there too. Sounds like you're having an ok time though, which is cool. It's nifty that you and Nick are rooming together too :) Anywho... I don't know, I felt like commenting and saying hi, so theres my comment, and hi! lol. ttyl. *hugs* -Jules


wisaweumachque September 5 2003, 12:47:24 UTC
Yeah, Nick and I will survive somehow :)

And 'Hi' to you as well, hope everything is going well



flnangl666 September 4 2003, 22:09:17 UTC
having fun? lol.


wisaweumachque September 5 2003, 12:47:55 UTC


good to hear zodac September 5 2003, 07:44:05 UTC
Good to hear that that university is working out better for you sir. I'm still at UWM, and while more aclamated this year, it does have its major problems.


Re: good to hear wisaweumachque September 5 2003, 12:48:46 UTC
Glad to hear that you are having a decent school year, hope everything goes well for you.


due27south September 5 2003, 09:48:27 UTC
Lol, thanks for making me laugh. I'm still wondering about our elevators here. They scrape against the sides quite often. Wait, isn't this an engineering school? What do I know...


wisaweumachque September 5 2003, 12:50:47 UTC
What made you laugh? The hobbits??

Yeah you'd think that everything in an engineering school would work... really well. Guess that's not the case.


due27south September 5 2003, 13:01:37 UTC
Just the whole shinding list. But yes, the hobbits was an interesting one....
My fan is scaring me. It goes whirrrr whirrrrr


anonymous October 6 2003, 19:19:42 UTC
Smaller then Hobbit sized showers!? Well at least you can wash your little hobbit....He he he;)


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