
Oct 17, 2003 14:19

What kind of numbskulled knucklehead trys to withdraw $815 from a ATM?? And then furthermore wonder why the machine gives him an error? Mayhapps I'm wrong, but it seems to me that, he was a stupid idiot. It's because of those type of people that our ATM is alwalys "Temporally out of order." Yeah whatever is it just me or do we need less stupid ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

flnangl666 October 17 2003, 15:25:42 UTC
haha stupid people make the world more funner. they give you something to laugh at. something to POINT and laugh at. i shall be seeing you SOON! *woot*


anonymous October 17 2003, 16:11:28 UTC
Dumb fuck, you should find him and beat him senseless!


davetelly October 20 2003, 12:00:38 UTC
You should really learn to be more forgiving of stupid people after all if it weren't who would we exploit.


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