anthology cfs

Jul 06, 2006 00:06

I am not involved with this project, but the editor sent me the call for submissions for this anthology tp be published by Routledge today and I thought it would be of interest to many Wiscon attendees and/or the men in their lives, so I am pasting them below the LJ-cut.

Any questions, please contact the editor, Shira Tarrant, directly; this is all I know about her project.




Men Speak Out: ProFeminist Views on Gender, Sex and Power
Deadline: September 15, 2006

How can we better understand and imagine new possibilities for men and feminism?

Are you a guy who hates sexism? Do you call yourself a feminist? Have you spent hours over coffee (or beer) thinking about issues of gender, power, race, class, and sexuality? Are you involved with social justice activism? If so, then you have stories to tell and I’d like to hear what you have to say.

I am collecting essays for a book tentatively titled Men Speak Out: ProFeminist Views on Gender, Sex and Power. I’m interested in first-person accounts of growing up male and identifying with - or questioning - the ideals of feminist movement. There are so many directions your essay could take, but I am NOT looking for an academic essay. No citations, no footnotes. I AM looking for stories written in your own unique voice using language you actually use when you talk with your friends.

You can use personal stories, things that happened to you, things that people said to you, or that you said to them (or wish you had). I am looking for a wide range of experience and perspectives on men, masculinity, and feminism.

This book respects the risk involved in being willing to critically investigate gender and power, especially when this isn’t what some people expect from guys. There are lots of good books written by and about young feminist women. Men Speak Out is written by, for, and about men and their experiences with and thoughts about culture, society, masculinity, feminism, women’s studies, social justice, or anti-sexist movement.

Your essays and stories may reflect on growing up, they might focus on a day-in-the-life vignette, they might explore experiences with racism or homophobia, or they might pose questions that you’ve asked yourself about not power-tripping as a man in a sexist society. These questions might not have answers and this is entirely okay. This is your story in your own words and only you can tell it. Ultimately, the focus, content, and tone is up to you and based on your own thoughts, experiences, concerns, fears, hopes, struggles, and surprises. I’ve included themes and ideas below to get you started.


•Do you call yourself a feminist? What does this mean to you?

•Have you been questioned or challenged for your feminist beliefs? Have you been supported in your feminist perspectives?

•Do you support gender equality and social justice, but reject the term “feminist”? Why?

•Do you incorporate feminist ideals into your work, relationships, or activism? How do you do this? What does this look like?

•Do you want to ally feminist movement, but you’re not sure what you as a male can do? Are you wondering if you’re even entitled to be part of it since you’re not a woman and don’t quite know how it feels?

•Do you question or doubt the foundations and/or goals of feminism?

•What does it mean to you to be a feminist guy? Or a profeminist? Or a feminist ally? Do you think you have to claim a title to be opposed to sexism?

Masculinity and Identity

•How are concepts of “man” and “masculinity” changing? What is your engagement with masculinity from transgender, transgressive, and/or queer perspectives?

•Are you male-identified? How does this take form in your life? How do gender-queer perspectives shift our understandings of sexuality?

•Do you love sports and reject sexism? How do you negotiate being part of a masculinist culture while rejecting the patterns of domination and sexism that can go along with it?

•Have you had a specific experience with gender, race, class, sexuality, or feminist issues that left a lasting impression? What is this story?

•What does it mean to invite questions of race and men in relation to feminism?

•Have you experienced sexism as a man? Do people expect you to be a certain way because you are male?

•Have you experienced prejudice as a gay or transgender man? Do you think there’s room in feminism to address these issues?

•When did you first start noticing masculinity, sexism, and feminism? Was there a pivotal event that got you thinking about these issues? Was there a series of events? What did you do once you started noticing sexism, racism, and social injustice in our society?

•Is your girlfriend, partner, or wife a feminist? How does this affect your relationship?

•What does class have to do with how you define gender or feminism?

Women’s Studies/Gender Studies

•Have you taken women’s studies/gender studies courses in college or high school? What was this like for you?

•If you’ve taken women’s/gender studies courses have you:
•confronted or changed your beliefs about yourself, your relationships, society?
•had to explain your choice to your teammates, family, or friends?

•Do you think you are or you will be a different sort of boyfriend, partner, husband, father, or co-worker because of your feminist perspectives, from taking women’s studies classes, or from other life experiences?

•What would you want to tell a guy who’s thinking about taking women’s/gender studies? What should he know? What did you wish somebody had told you?

Demanding Change

•Have you had it with sexism, racism, classism, and homosexism? Do you demand change now? How do you envision this change?

•How the personal is political. How does your personal life have political meaning? How are your politics personal?

•Are you involved with social justice activism that you see as linked to feminist movement? Describe your activities and perspectives on these issues.

Intergenerational Dialogue

•Were you part of the women’s movement in the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s? What are your recollections about your involvement?

•Do you have experience in social justice activism? What can you tell others about what you’ve learned about the process? What works? What doesn’t?

•Do you want to dialogue with younger or older men about challenging “isms” in a sexist, racist, homosexist society? What do you want them to know?

•Did you grow up in a feminist household? What was this like?

•Are you a younger man who has questions for profeminist men who have gone before you? What do you want to ask them? What do you want them to know?

•Do you think you are a different sort of partner, father, or co-worker because of your feminist perspectives? How have you navigated these commitments?

Feel free to pass this call for submissions to friends you think may be interested in this project. Although submitting an essay does not guarantee it will be published, doing so early in the process definitely gives you an advantage, and it does ensure that you have a pivotal role in shaping this book.

Men Speak Out: ProFeminist Views on Gender, Sex and Power will be published by Routledge in November, 2007.

DEADLINE: September 15, 2006

LENGTH: up to 6,000 words

FORMAT: Essays must be typed, double-spaced, and paginated. Please include your address, phone number, email address, and a short bio on the last page.

SUBMITTING: Send essay electronically as a Word document (format file with a .doc extension) and email to

I look forward to hearing from each of you.

Shira Tarrant

Shira Tarrant is a writer, activist, and professor. Her work has appeared in Genre, Off Our Backs, and Women’s Studies Quarterly. Her book When Sex Became Gender (Routledge, 2006) explores the social construction of femininity in the post-World War II era.

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