Permissions Post + Contact Info

Mar 30, 2015 18:24

For gargleblasted. (I think this is the official one. Mods are confusing.) Plus contact information!

What species is your character? Human.

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species? Whatever, he's human.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense? HAHAHA OH GOD THE SHINRABANSHOU. This is so complicated to explain but basically. It's a giant godmod that usually takes the form of a woman and is inscribed in his DNA (though if you're looking into his heart/reading his mind, it's canon that you can sense/see it). The name literally means "all things in nature;" it's some ninja thing that basically...has the wisdom of a god (hurrdurr), can rewrite history/reality and do whatever the fuck it wants, no matter how impossible. GODMOD, BE AWED BY ITS POWER no seriously if you can sense that shit, it's really impressive. If Miharu can't control it, there tends to be plant life growing...wherever. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, ASK HERE. I don't feel like finding manga pages to support this section right now, but I will if there's confusion. \o\

What does your character's soul look like? This is specific to Soul Eater canon. Tiny, green, with cat ears. Though probably devil horns when he's being a dick. IDK HOW THIS WORKS.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul? Umm I guess if your character can do that? The feelings his soul will give off is that he's kind but lonely. And if he's near Yoite (liricamente) at the time (protip: he always is), probably lots of affection.

What color is your character's soul? idk rainbow forest green.

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense? See: the Shinrabanshou.

Is your chararacter surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'? The ability of another character they spend a lot of time with, for instance. Or they might just work at a bakery. Murderers might smell of blood. Etc. Please clarify the extent which they are surrounded by this smell. Uhh he probably smells like Yoite, but at this point, Yoite probably smells like him... He probably smells like okonomiyaki because he's been making that shit forever and probably hasn't stopped since he got to the SS Thor. (I. have no idea what okonomiyaki smells like. I'm guessing baked cabbage, meat, and pancakes?)

Can your characters thoughts be read? Only surface thoughts? Are characters free to dig into tragic pasts and hidden secrets? Or will they only know what they are thinking at the exact moment their thoughts are being read? If thought-reading means hearing a line like "I forgot to feed the cat," then yes, go ahead. (I encourage this, Miharu's a little brat when this happens.) You can feel free to dig, but shit will go down. THIS KIND OF SHIT. ...yeah pretty much the Shinrabanshou will freak out and he'll attack you with a ruler.

Let me know before you do this though, just so I can ~*~prepare~*~. (IM/comment here/a line in a comment/whatever.)

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy? ...Probably not, unless you want to talk to the Shinrabanshou, in which case, yes.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers? You can do whatever! He won't know. \o\

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow? This can be done through smell (wolves, dogs, etc.), sensing their soul, sensing their abilities. You can probably sense the Shinrabanshou if you can sense those things, and if you want to smell him out, go ahead. (See smell question.)

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions? Different from mind-reading, this only gives the character a vague idea of what your character is feeling, and whether or not their intentions are good or bad. You can if you want. It's a bit complicated since Miharu generally appears bored or disinterested whether or not he is (unless you are Yoite). If he's in devil mode (acting cute, crying, pouting, being a douche while not being deadpan), you'll be able to sense his bad intentions. Most other times, it's complicated, so if you want to, IM me and I'll explain in context. THOUGH, again, if he's near/with Yoite, there will be affection. :|b

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up? What are they like? Is there a fifty foot giant with a flaming sword fighting off intruders, is it a maze of corridors and doors, or is it just a regular wall? Is it possible to get past these defenses? AGAIN, SHINRABANSHOU, she will fuck your shit up. But she's sadistic, so she'll probably let you see into his heart/mind for a few moments before intervening. Um. You can't get past her, sorry, unless you have your own godmode up your sleeve.

Can your character be mind-controlled? How effective would it be? Would it last? Would they fight it off easily? UM. Contact me. It really depends. (On your character's skill level, how the Shinrabanshou feels about it.) I'll probably say yes unless your character is weak, and if you really want to, I'll say the Shinrabanshou is bored.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking? I LOVE FOURTH WALL BREAKING, GO AHEAD!

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character? No, I'm good.

How do you feel about threadjacking? Is it okay for people to jump into the middle of a conversation in your journal? Some people find it rude unless they've also commented to the post itself. I love thread-jacking! Go ahead, but at least try to comment to the post itself as well, because that's just...douchey. :| If I'm going to have to get notification-spammed, I should be playing with you as well.

What about spamming your posts? IC-ly, obviously, but your inbox still suffers if someone has endless conversations with each other in your entries. Um. I don't really care, but try not to have days-long 80 comment threads in my posts with other characters.

How about sudden action threads? You post an entry, and a character starts an [action] thread, apparently knowing where your character is somehow, or just randomly bumping into them. In some cases it might be realistic (if they're roommates, for instance), but should they ask first? Action's fine, just have some excuse for it. (Roommate barging in, dropping in at work, etc.)

If you have any questions, comment here!

Just in case you aren't a part of gargleblasted(/witchesreign) and want to contact me (joining the game, give concrit in private, ...anything else):

name (for familiarity purposes): Fish
email: all_thats_known(at)yahoo(dot)com
AIM: fishexcrements
Yahoo: all_thats_known
realj: shrocomemos

I'm on all three messengers at once usually (Trillian! \o\), though Yahoo tends to disconnect a lot. So it doesn't matter which you use to reach me. And I check my email obsessively. :|b Feel free to comment here as well if you don't want to use those methods! You can also PM me.

Edit (1/15/11): This applies to witchesreign as well!
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