
Aug 22, 2004 00:01

I took the new challenge at the GW500 group. 500 words on "expectation". Did it in 30 minutes. It didn't turn out too bad, I think

Title: I knew
Author: Sophie
Rating: G, Quatre's POV
Pairing: None, just implied 3+4+3
Notes/Warnings: Written in 30 minutes.
Length/Word Count: 571 words

I knew what they all expected from me. All of them.
It started when I was a little child. I never went to a school with other kids. My father gave me the best tutors on L4 to be sure I was raised into a right heir. Into someone responsible who had the same ideas as him. I loved my father, but that many expectations created lot of tensions between us. I used to think he didn't care about me since I'm born from a test-tube, but I learned it was wrong to think of myself this way thanks to them. The Maguanacs.

They were a real family and had always been here for me, like I always wanted to help them and made sure they were alright. That was why I was more than happy that they joined me on L4 after the incident with Mariemaia. I knew them very well. They only expected from me to be very careful, not to take any risk. But they knew I'd still need protection. Yet, they treated me like a responsible leader. Like my fellow former gundam pilots.

Heero was the first one to see that I had qualities as a leader. And he wanted me to use the Zero System to exploit them perfectly. I was terrified about it. Memories of me shooting down Trowa came back when he told me what he had to Sandrock. But he trusted me. He knew I could make it... I'm happy he did. We won thanks to this, and after this first successful fight, I knew I could do it without the system.
Wufei trusted me and expected me to find a good strategy in fights and other situations. That was why he went to me first when there was the incident with the nuclear bombs. (1) Anyone would know listen to my plans and not discuss anything because they knew it would work. I think that was why Sally Po proposed me to join the Preventers.

I accepted. I didn't like running my father's business; I knew my place wasn’t here. Yet, even if my sister accepted to take over, it still took a few months. Many things had to be done before I, Quatre Raberba Winner, became a new Preventer under Lady Une's commands.

When I arrived in the HQ, I expected Wufei to greet me. Instead, I saw Duo and Heero here in Preventers uniform. Duo was grinning and waving at me while Heero just gave me a polite nod. They decided to work here too, much to my delight. Seeing them here, I was hoping to see Trowa here... but my face fell when I didn't see him anywhere.
But then, he came to me, dressed in the uniform too. I was even happier when he told me that had been chosen as my partner.
All of us together again as Preventers and Trowa, the only person whom I've a special bond to, as my partner. I was surprised that he decided to leave the circus but he told me that by being a Preventer, he could now protect who he cared most about. I had realized he wasn’t talking only about Catherine, but also about me.

And that's where I am, today. At my true place. Where I'm expected to be a good leader from most people… and just myself from Trowa, whom I hope to not leave again.


(1) See the end of "Episode Zero"

I also saw a French author here. She lives in Paris but will come to Lyon (so in my town) next month for her study. I trully hope we'll be able to meet, it would be very nice! ^.^
Yaoi French authors mostly live in Paris or somewhere else, but I've never saw one living in Lyon. ;_;
I had lot of trouble to write in French with my keyboard coz I'm not used to chat in French. Hell, I talk in chat in English EVERY SINGLE DAY, ARGH!!! Ah well, I'll get used to it! ^.^
Well, it's midnight here, I better go to bed. TTYL!
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