Better, Thanks

Aug 28, 2010 20:53

Luckily the down, hopeless feelings aren't self-perpetuating.......

AND nice occurrences came to fill the spaces:

A beautiful basket-of-solidarity came in the mail (thanks soooooooooo much, Francie and Family)

In support of the Farm.

I spent a week watching Littlest Gardener (while Matthew concentrated on the larger children who will be in school soon) and found it, while tiring, very rewarding; Littlest is a charming child.

I clarified my thinking about the marketing of herbs--- while I wouldn't MIND making money I'm really doing it for Flidias and Urban Gardening, so no need to feel that the effort is valued by the profit. David pointed out that we should mention the ancientness of the logo so when I was at the market today getting veg for dinner and the Friendly Farm-Wife told me she liked it (note the shirt)

I started a conversation about the oldness and the Magic of 3's.

The Tiny Urban Farm is blooming;
There's a re-flower of the Phlox

an Hibiscus

an Enorm Sunflower

and Nasturtiums

The Tiny Bay Trees are growing

and when David and I went to the Crappy Tire to buy 2 new rain-barrels we also got some overgrown discounted Sage

Tomorrow if it doesn't rain connecting the new barrels to the downspouts is the plan; I'll try to photo-journal it.

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