1. Your wit 2. Any song by Mindless Self Indulgence 3. 5:55 pm 4. Cynical 5. The time I slept over your house for the very first time in my life and I got homesick and had to call my mom. How embarassing. 6. Light pink 7. Did you know I was a lesbian before I did, too? Everyone else seemed to!
1. Your extra long journal entries that I can read when I get bored 2. No idea, the next song that comes on my random player will be yours forevermore: Live at the Apocalypse - The Blood Brothers 3. 4:45pm 4. Lighthearted 5. Um, I think this is a sign that we need to make some moments. 6. Yellow 7. Come on, aren't you an eensy bit in denial, Miss Angelina Jolie lover?
well jesus who wouldn't want to do ms. jolie? except maybe u amanda, cause ur just in fucking need of 1. a higher prescription on ur glasses 2. a straight jacket
You only read my journal when you get bored, eh? Good to know ;p Hehe
I haven't heard that song yet... but I'll check it out. :)
Interesting choice of time... I'm usually feel lazy around that time. That or burn out. Haha
Aww, I'm lighthearted? Thanks! :)
Yes, we so need to make moments... if only I'm online more often. Haha
Hehe, yellow... I'm not surprised at all :D
"eensy" bit... HAHA. You sound like Maria... and what's wrong with loving Angelina Jolie?! AND I admit, I'd go bi for her any day. Then again, who wouldn't?! She's the shit! Even my gay friend said he would have sex with her. Now, that says a lot! lol.
1. Your ever so slight and hidden ditziness. 2. Beating Heart Baby - Head Automatica 3. 7:30 am 4. Goofy 5. When we almost DIED driving to the beach. 6. Black 7. What sound would you make if a pickle was being taken off a slice of bread?
First off, let me say good job replying to Daniel and not to me.
1. Your neverendling logic, which is a double edged sword because I hate it sometimes, too. 2. Anything by Reel Big Fish 3. 11:57 pm 4. Know-it-all 5. The paintball fight we had out on the big bridge with Lex, Sonnie, and Eric. No guns, even! 6. Brown 7. Where did our great times go?
1. You kick my ass in skateboarding 2. Caress Me Down - Sublime 3. 8:09pm 4. Kinky 5. Making out on the couch while my mom was right above us in the loft and we were watching Elephant. Just so you know, you're the best guy kisser I've had the pleasure of meeting. (I know that might not say much when compared to girls, but I mean you were good) 6. Hot pink Volcom shirts 7. How did you really feel about me already being in love with someone else?
1. You're the nigga jaysus. 2. Easy Target - Blink 182 3. 7:11pm 4. Eratic 5. Doing donuts in the empty lot by Sonnie's house and you breaking your steering column. 6. Gray 7. What's with the compulsive lying?
Comments 30
2. Any song by Mindless Self Indulgence
3. 5:55 pm
4. Cynical
5. The time I slept over your house for the very first time in my life and I got homesick and had to call my mom. How embarassing.
6. Light pink
7. Did you know I was a lesbian before I did, too? Everyone else seemed to!
u just called urself a lesbian. that's weird.
*curious* Hehe
2. No idea, the next song that comes on my random player will be yours forevermore: Live at the Apocalypse - The Blood Brothers
3. 4:45pm
4. Lighthearted
5. Um, I think this is a sign that we need to make some moments.
6. Yellow
7. Come on, aren't you an eensy bit in denial, Miss Angelina Jolie lover?
except maybe u amanda, cause ur just in fucking need of
1. a higher prescription on ur glasses
2. a straight jacket
I haven't heard that song yet... but I'll check it out. :)
Interesting choice of time... I'm usually feel lazy around that time. That or burn out. Haha
Aww, I'm lighthearted? Thanks! :)
Yes, we so need to make moments... if only I'm online more often. Haha
Hehe, yellow... I'm not surprised at all :D
"eensy" bit... HAHA. You sound like Maria... and what's wrong with loving Angelina Jolie?! AND I admit, I'd go bi for her any day. Then again, who wouldn't?! She's the shit! Even my gay friend said he would have sex with her. Now, that says a lot! lol.
2. Beating Heart Baby - Head Automatica
3. 7:30 am
4. Goofy
5. When we almost DIED driving to the beach.
6. Black
7. What sound would you make if a pickle was being taken off a slice of bread?
1. Your neverendling logic, which is a double edged sword because I hate it sometimes, too.
2. Anything by Reel Big Fish
3. 11:57 pm
4. Know-it-all
5. The paintball fight we had out on the big bridge with Lex, Sonnie, and Eric. No guns, even!
6. Brown
7. Where did our great times go?
2. Caress Me Down - Sublime
3. 8:09pm
4. Kinky
5. Making out on the couch while my mom was right above us in the loft and we were watching Elephant. Just so you know, you're the best guy kisser I've had the pleasure of meeting. (I know that might not say much when compared to girls, but I mean you were good)
6. Hot pink Volcom shirts
7. How did you really feel about me already being in love with someone else?
2. Easy Target - Blink 182
3. 7:11pm
4. Eratic
5. Doing donuts in the empty lot by Sonnie's house and you breaking your steering column.
6. Gray
7. What's with the compulsive lying?
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