Link to the GFM: Hello, Friends :) How's everyone doing? I hope life is going well for everyone.
It's been some time, hasn't it? Life's given us a few kicks in the pants, lately - and no doubt for some of you, as well. I'm aware that we're in better shape than a lot of people, but unfortunately, we're still in a really tight spot. We came to that place because we've had ongoing employment issues for Matthew and Megan.
But there is good news! Madisyn has received a promotion at work, and Matthew is now working. He's been there a month, and things seem to be going well for him.
Unfortunately, Megan's still looking for a job. She's had some medical issues, and trouble finding a job with a schedule that works for her, and for us. We have one car, and no buses in our small town. Also unfortunate, neither Madisyn nor Matthew have jobs that provide paid sick leave, and both have missed a couple of days in the past few weeks. It's really a sad state of affairs that missing a couple of days can affect a paycheck - and personal finances - so badly. But because we have no reserves at all, we are badly affected by those lost hours.
Right now, specifically, our car insurance is due, as is the car payment. Plus the ongoing need for gas and groceries. Thanks to some very generous people our electric is still on, and we have groceries for the coming week. But it feels like it never stops.
If anyone can help us out a bit more, to get on our feet and stay there, we would be most appreciative. Anything at all would be helpful, even if it's just signal-boosting. (And if you want to donate, but by other methods, just hit me up on FB or send me an email.)
Thank you,
Kim, Matthew, Megan, and Madisyn