
Aug 24, 2004 09:19

first best friend/s = Michelle
first job = babysitting
first screen name = girlfriend682(still have it too!)
first self purchased cd = no clue
first funeral: My Pa's
first piercing/tattoo = Ears
first enemy = myself
first big trip = Florida

last long car ride = Seabrook on Sunday
last good cry = on thursday.....                      last library book checked out = The Notebook       last beverage drank = Milk
last food consumed = Nutty Royal Icecream thinggy
last phone call = Boda
last time showered = Last night around 8:30      last shoes worn = flip flops
last song played = Breakaway
last annoyance = Gayyy sister 2 minutes ago
last time you had sex = havent

describe your
wallet = black with a pink shoe on it :)
tattoos = none yet
room = a mess! its a pretty mess tho!!
Boyfriend: gone
parents = ehhhhhh, ok

this or that
[boxers or briefs] = Boxers
[plaid or striped] = striped
[salt or pepper] = pepper
[okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok
[bright colors or dark colors] = both
[tic-tacs or certs] = tic-tacs
[sunshine or rain] = sunshine
[rain or snow] = snow :)
[sun or moon] = moon
[silver or gold] = silver
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = cotton & silk (can't choose)
[preps or freaks] = preps!
[popcorn-with or w/out butter] = With!!! :)
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish]= ketcup
[shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = seperate

if you were ____ what would it be?
an animal = puppy
a fruit = Watermelon
a vegetable = corn
a color = pink
a bug = firefly

short answer
are you smart? = eh...when i want to try i can be
do you like onions? on pizza yes...anywhere
what instruments can you play? = sax, piano, drums
what words do you overuse? = lol, w/e, ummmm <~
do you sleep with socks on? = in the winter
are you ticklish? = yahhhhhhhh
are you shy? = usually only when i first meet people
do you talk to yourself? = yah when i have nothing better to do
do you have a basement or an attic? = both
did you go to preschool? = no
are you a morning person? = depends what i'm doing that day

you touched?:my mommy
you talked to?: boda
you hugged?: my mommy
you instant messaged?: Boda
you kissed?: ...
you yelled at?: sister
you thought about?: Michael Phelps :) :) :)
who text messaged you?: no1
who broke your heart?: ................
who told you they loved you?: Boda

# of drugs taken illegally: 0
# of people i could trust with my life: 2
# of pets you have, kind, name: Dog-Boxer-Sophie!! (or poop if your me)
# of scars on my body: alot :\
# of things in my past that i regret: Alooott

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