Longest relationship:
Three years.
Shortest relationship:
Two months.
How many times have you truly been in love?
I don't even know if I would call it 'love'. I'm not sure. If I have to question it... Then I'm going to have to say no.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you?
Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with?
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
Hasn't everyone?...
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
Have you ever cried over a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Yes. So did a 12 year old write this survey... Or...
Are you happy being single or in relationships
I really want to be with someone... But I kinda know I can't be right now. They have no idea I like them... It seems so childish that I feel this way. Whatever.
Have you ever been cheated on?
What is the most important PART of being in a relationship?
Trust, committment, honestly, caring for one another.
What is the worst part of being in a relationship?
I think that depends. In all relationships... Intimate or otherwise... There are bad points.
Worst relationship?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
I was 14 and it felt that way... But I somehow don't think it was so much 'heartbreak'.
Have you ever broken someones heart?
Do you talk to any of your exes?
Just Lindsay.
If you could go back in time and change things to where you would still be with one of your exes, would you?
I wouldn't.
What is your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend?
I don't want to answer that... I think this question would make me sound shallow regardless of how I answer. I'd like a good person. Someone I can trust, depend on, someone who can trust and depend on me... Fun to be around, smart, likes to cuddle... Aww, I really want to be in a relationship.
Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
Actually I do... Wow, not like me to be positive about myself!
Have you dated people who were not good to you?
Have you been in an abusive relationship?
Yes. I can totally understand now how hard it is to get out of abusive relationships. Took me quite a while.
Name your most memorable ex if you have had 1:
Have you dated someone older than you?
Yes. 10 years.
What is one thing that all of your exes had in common?
Their names all have two syllables. Ha.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep over a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
It depends. Ya know, I'd have to say yes. I think I've always given people second chances... But there comes a point where you need to put a stop to things.
Believe in love at first sight?
I'm not sure.
Ever dated two people at once?
Never have, never would.
Ever been given a promise ring?
Ever been given an engagement ring?
Do you want to get married?
I think it'd be nice... But it's something I'd discuss with the person I'm with.
Ever stolen someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
Do you believe in true love?
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?
I felt pretty crappy for a day... But, the other break ups were kind of mutal so it wasn't that hard... So to be honest I really couldn't tell you.