ok. jenn & kritsy came over. it was mucho fun. we took pictures. there not all in here cause if they were. youd think we were bigger idiots then you already think we are :)
our lovley game that i so won....
kristys ass..
righht... i dont kno what they were doing..
haha. leigh. check out this one.. what does that reminde you of??
nottice the redness of my legs...
what were we doing??
so weird
thats what we would look like if we saw someeone dead..
uh oh spagettieo's
whats that look liek to you.
she was busy at work
yea.. that says jenny is gay if you cant read it. (but shes not.)
i ate the comb
kristy takes good pics huh....
i pulled out the star wars.. :)
i like that one
jenns face & mine ar elike. teh same.. weird..
like how high our pants are??
she was combing my butt...
that was my cung fou.
wow. i dont rememebr that one
that wasnt my middle finger..
i had tennis balls in my shirt...
the end =]
today i went to zacs.. and it was fun. then me and kristy went tot the mall that was fun too. id say more but i dont feel like doing this. =]