you know, i'm pretty tired of men assuming i take no action in my own life. i'm pretty tired of them assuming i have no agency, no choice and can't be trusted with my decisions.
this crusty kid last night outside of uc was giving me shit about me being a drunk chick and ben being a dude who wanted to fuck me, and i went off on him for a good five to seven minutes. we actually had seen him at the cmc earlier and he's in town for a little and i gave him my number and email and i'm going to talk to him about how it's just as misogynist to assume that because i'm a girl, i'm a powerless girl who automatically makes bad decisions, has no agency and can't take care of herself. so that's that. fucking crusty kid thinks he can take me on at feminism fuckinghesfn sdfoign g dunfbdf
on the flipside, i am also tired of feeling like i have no choices, that i'm obligated to do things, that i'm silent when i shouldn't be, that i ignore myself and my intentions and make bad decisions because i don't care about myself enough. is this the quandry of patriarchy? because i do feel powerless sometimes, but i don't want that powerlessness to be the defining factor in my life. because if i, as a woman, am defined as powerless by random punk kids then there's no room for me to be empowered; it's assuming there are no cracks in the structure for me to pick away at and push myself through.
before i get this tattoo i need to make sure the french is right. brette, this is when you become a superhero (become a superhero? become??). i keep telling myself i need to sit down and start figuring myself out, and i guess that means more journal writing but it isn't a habit yet. mmm.
also, 10 of us last night took part in the most amazing heist perhaps in the history of the world. well, at least in the history of uf and my college career. oh god i can't wait to see those pictures. if you are in gainesville, florida around dinner time tonight you are invited to take part in an extrordinary feast of terrorist proportions. what a way to celebrate the end of the semester.