Title: Spur of the Moment
Author: Veleda
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei
Pairing: Tsuzuki/Hisoka
Written For:
measuringlifeWordcount: 300 (French kiss)
Hisoka hadn’t planned on kissing Tsuzuki. He had barely given himself time to think before grabbing his partner down and pressing their mouths together; he thought it would be a bad idea to give himself to much time to change his mind. The unexpected consequence (which he should have expected) was that now the entire office was staring at him. Tsuzuki just gaped at him for a moment before breaking out into a huge grin.
“He kissed me!” he said excitedly to no one in particular. At that point everyone burst into excited chatter. Wakaba was telling Terazuma how adorable it was, while Terazuma muttered something intelligible under his breath. Saya and Yuma were squealing with joy, and one could practically see the hearts in their eyes. Tatsumi and Konoe both looked slightly embarrassed at all the commotion, though anyone who looked closely would have seen a small smile gracing Tatsumi’s lips. Through it all, Tsuzuki’s joyful voice could be heard.
“He kissed me!”
Hisoka’s nerves were fraying. Why had he kissed Tsuzuki in front of everyone? Why hadn’t he shown a sense of decorum? Why wouldn’t Tsuzuki shut up?
“If I kiss you again, will you shut up!?”
Tsuzuki paused, thought this over, and then nodded cheerfully.
There was no helping it then. Hisoka wrapped his arms around his partner and kissed him again. This, of course, started their co-workers buzzing again. Feeling very embarrassed, Hisoka grabbed Tsuzuki by the arm and started to drag his partner away.
“Hisoka, where are we going?’
“The hallway. My house. Anywhere that isn’t here.”
“Will you kiss me again?”
Hisoka resisted the urge to rub his temple. This was going to take some getting used to.
“I love you, Hisoka.”
But maybe it wasn’t all bad.
Just maybe.