Title: Touch
Fandom: M. Night Shyamalan's The Village
Characters/Pairing: Lucius Hunt and Ivy Walker
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 275
Warnings/Spoilers: Just some of the plot from the story, because Ivy's too amazing not to love and Lucius is too perfect for fic writing. As far as warning's go, first person narrative, all in Lucius's POV.
Disclaimer: My mind could never work out this illusion as well as the master's. All belong to the amazing M. Night Shyamalan
A/N: I watched 'The Village' a few nights ago, and Joaquin Phoenix is one of my favorite actors (Hello...Gladiator *g*). His character in this movie, I don't know what it is about him, but you can't help but love him. His little speech to Ivy on the porch when she asks him to dance on their wedding night gets me every time. Anyways, this is a one time thing, since I tend to fan girl over everything...
Everyday I see the woman who can not.
Everyday I fall in love with her just a little bit more.
I have not held her hand since we were small children. Sometimes I wish to just come up to her and take her in my arms. But, even though mother says I am so strong, I am nothing when it comes to Ivy Walker.
She always knows where I am, and when I am near.
I never ask, but she knows I want to know my colour. She'll never tell me, she laughs, as if its some big joke.
I love her laugh.
I love her hair.
I love her sightless eyes. Even when they are full of tears. As they are now.
Because she is afraid, but she is looking for me as I am looking out for everyone else. She is looking without seeing, straining to hear my heartbeat near by.
I know she can hear Those Who We Don't Speak Of, she knows they are near, yet she still stands there, hand outstretched for me.
That moment where I take her hand in mine, pulling her into the house to protect her from the creature of the woods, she smiles. Despite the fear surrounding us all, despite the danger she has put herself in, she smiles.
Because of one little touch.
I have missed holding her hand, and as we sit in the dark cellar to hide from the creatures, all I can think of is her.
As I have always thought of only her.
She squeezes my hand just a little tighter.