안녕 여러분!~~
How are you? I feel like I enjoy writing these entries more than I should be. Have I said that before? xD Oh! I am posting this on AsianFanfics as well just to see how many views I'm getting. (Since rarely anyone likes to comment T____T) And I just reached the same amount of views that my other fanfic has reached in longer time. It might not be a lot at the moment, but to me it's a lot. It makes me feel happy on the inside that people are at least looking at my story. And I didn't even ask my sister to advertise this one either! How exciting huh? I think it's exciting at least ^___^ But I want to work on my other one as well. It just takes a loooooooooooooong time to type up the pages because I handwrite EVERYTHING before I type it up. As I type, I edit, and I have more than 20 pages handwritten per chapter for that one. And I have like 3 chapters ready. Gaahhh, I'm lazy and I don't want to spend the time. >.< I'll do it though for my readers. But at least I'm doing well with this one! Right? Right? Left? ^___^ Have fun reading this one!
사랑해요!~~ <3
Worthless Collection of Pages,
I don’t want Heechul to step foot in this apartment anymore! One time is enough…MORE than enough. More than one time is wayyyy too much for anyone in their right mind to handle. He is insane, I tell you, insane! Not only that, but Kangin is almost as insane as he is. I don’t want him around anymore either. It’s not good for my soul. It’s not good for anyone’s soul to have them over. Only Leeteuk is welcome to this apartment. He may be a little off his rocker, but he’s not as insane as the other two. But now that I think about it, it seems like he and Kangin are really attached. That means that there’s no way to invite him without inviting at least Kangin, doesn’t it? So, not even Leeteuk can come over. It’s a shame, but we were perfectly OK without the extra three.
I don’t think Kibum liked them much either-well at least I don’t think he liked Heechul. He was quieter than normal, and he just sat there staring at Heechul. It was odd…and slightly creepy. I guess he’s weird as well. Maybe they’re all weird. No, not maybe, it’s OBVIOUS that they are.
Why am I surrounded by such weird people? Look at it this way, Kibum is too quiet, Sungmin is obsessed with pink, Donghae is either sad or happy at random times, Siwon is too nice and gentlemanly and perfect for being a human, and Eunhyuk is just a ball full of oddness. I’m the only normal one.
Does that mean that I have to deal with Kangin too? All of the people that I live with are on or close to the same level of strangeness as he is, so it would be a little hypocritical not to accept him. If so, then I’ll allow that. But I will NOT, never, no way in the world, accept Heechul. He’s insane. That’s a completely different level of weird than the others. I don’t want insanity polluting this air that I breathe daily.
If there was that kind of pollution, I could easily…become weird as well. I don’t want that. So, Heechul is officially banned from this apartment.
Now how to tell the others?
I think they like him too much already. It’s quite obvious that they do. (How someone likes an insane person, I have no clue.) Siwon was probably satisfied because of the skinship that Heechul was displaying towards him. Donghae was being loved on when he paid attention to that insane fool, and when he wasn’t, Sungmin was the one being loved on.
I wonder if Sungmin noticed. What if he liked it? If he liked it, then what did the kiss on the cheek last night stand for? Nothing? Do I mean nothing to him? Will he throw me away just because of Heechul acting like he loved him when Donghae wasn’t paying attention to him?
Right! The kiss on the cheek! I forgave him for it. I thought about it while I was killing zombies, and came across the conclusion that Changmin would have disowned me as a friend if I really did run to his apartment because of that little kiss. I don’t want to be disowned by the only person who understands me. So, I will tolerate what Sungmin did, and I will not consider it a violation. (I don’t know what to consider it at the moment though.) And I also decided that I will not let Changmin know anything about it, or else he would laugh at me, disown me, and laugh at me some more. What I have decided is the only smart thing to do at this point in time.
Nevertheless, I can’t say that it didn’t shock the living daylights out of me. It definitely did, and you’re a witness to that shocking moment. I’m still so shocked. Why did he do that?
Look at Sungmin! Although most people call him feminine, even me, there are times when he looks and acts manly. If you tilt your head sideways, look out of the corner of your squinted eye, and watch him, he’s definitely manly. Manlier than I have ever expected him to be.
I can testify that with firsthand information. I did that once. However, I had to stop when I caught Eunhyuk starring me with that dull look in his eyes.
What’s wrong with him? Why does he always let his mouth hang open and his eyes glaze over like that? He must have a medical problem. It’s the only explanation. No one normal does that…do they?
No, no one does.
Anyways, I don’t understand how Sungmin could-
Hold on, someone is yelling bloody murder somewhere in this house…
Eunhyuk was stuck in a cabinet. A CABINET of all places!! How in the WORLD did he get in there? No, don’t tell me. I’d rather not know.
How can someone full grown possibly fit into something so small? There was even food taking up half of the space in there. How, how, how, HOW? It doesn’t make sense! Was he playing hide-and-go-seek with Donghae?
Now that I think about it, that can’t be true. Donghae has been watching a variety show since before the time the three left this apartment.
Eunhyuk even had his diary and a pen with him! Did he want peace and quiet while he wrote? That’s a pretty stupid idea. Who goes: “I want peace and quiet while I write ridiculously idiotic things in my girly diary. Oh, look, a cabinet! No one will ever bother me there! I’ll just hide in this overly cramped space that is insanely impossible for any human being to try and fit into and that is too dark to actually see so that I can write to my heart’s content. Then I can bother the ones I live with more than I normally do when I want out!”?!
Is he even in his right mind? No, scratch that. He is nowhere close to being in his right mind. He’s plain idiotic.
Why do I need to associate with these people? Why did Father kick me out? If he only knew how insane the people I am living with now are, he would forget about wanting me to take over his company. He would also accept me into the family once more, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about the insane rubbing off on me.
Wait, I don’t think stupid Father would agree with that. I have to deal with those insane people. I’ll just go bother Changmin when I feel it rubbing off on me.
Wait…does that mean that I have to allow Heechul over because of how insane that idiot is? Aish…
~Going Insane~
Entry Nineteen -- Kibum)