so ive decided im kindaf a hypocrite when it comes to the whole !!!STRAIGHTEDGE!!! thing. i have never broken edge, but i know i would have pretty much meaningless sex which is not sxe so basically im a faggot and im not going to claim to be sxe anymore. ha so you guys can make fun of me for awhile ha i deserve it. im gay
ha i kindaf got ditched 2 times in one day. ha woot. i finally got my cab fixed. woot woot i might be going to k zoo tomorrow if i have enough gas moneyyyyyyyyyyy. im kindaf pissed off at ppl right now. cuz im pretty much a homooooo. this is a really stupid entryyyyyy.
me and jeff hit a railroad crossing (that was kindaf shaped like a triangle) going 50 mph and we actually caught air. haha it was fun, but scary i need to pay more attention when im driving har har har