Title A Preface To A Murder (aka What Happened That Night)
Rating R
Characters Schuldig, Crawford
Summary If you read
Where I End And You Begin and found yourself a tad bit confused about what happened, this will explain things in a little more detail.
The first, and only, time in his life that Crawford didn't contemplate all the outcomes before acting. )
Comments 8
Poor Schu... I loved it <3
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But yes, this is totally the way that they would have to go out. They have to take themselves out, in some ridiculous manner that totally should never have happened.
Adding insult to injury: I think the cat actually managed to remain unharmed during the whole thing and was adopted by Silvia when she left.
And how ironic also that Crawford is the only person Schu can't read, therefore he cannot even at this moment read from his mind what it was he wanted to say.
Now I'm going to tempt you with another idea: what about Crawford's version? ;)
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