This video probably broke my brain a little. Just so you know. It's my love for Due South right there, encapsulated in four minutes, and it's the first of TWO Due South videos that I've been working on, if you can believe my brain has allowed that. And by allowed, I remind you, it's broken now. Never to be the same.
Video Details
Title: Duet
Song Artist: Jude
Video Artist: Fabella (
Summary: "I'm not sitting up here on some throne." Fraser/RayK, Slash.
Source: Due South (s1, s3, s4)
Length: 4:20 min
Format: avi, rm
Lyrics Here Thank you to
obsessive24 for hosting the large version. You're a peach, hun! ::squeezes::
Download Details
AVI, 24.8mb, Greatest Quality
permanent link (right click, save target as)
Real Media, 10.8 mb, Poorer Quality
YouSendIt Link Feedback
Please? Pretty please? If all that shameless begging doesn't lessen your fear,
try this.
Downloading/Watching Information
a) You're going to need the divx codec to play this, and a lot of other vids. Go to to download. It's free, it's fast, it doesn't take long to set up. If you enjoy songvids, it's worth the extra effort.
b) Quality is directly related to size.
c) I'll re-upload the versions of the vid located on as often as I can, but mostly on request.
d) Feel free to link to this post.
VLC media player makes things pretty. It's the best player ever. I'm just making observations here.