Title: Come On, Angel
Song Artist: Sarah Slean
Video Artist: Fabella (
Summary: "Once he's yours, he's yours for good. Now you behave like an Angel should." A study of the struggle between the Winchester brothers. Sam, Dean, John. GEN.
Fandom: Supernatural
Length: 3:53min
Format: wmv
Warning: Spoilers for all of season one.
Feedback is more than welcome.
Download Links
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WMV, 26mb, permanent link Temporary Sites
WMV, 26mb, YSIWMV, 26mb, MegauploadWMV, 14.1mb, YSIWMV, 14.1mb, Megaupload Links Last Updated: 07/18/06
Downloading/Watching Information
a) You're going to need a divx codec to play this, and a lot of other vids. Go to divx.com to download. It's free, it's fast, it doesn't take long to set up. If your enjoy songvids, it's worth the extra effort.
b) Quality is directly related to size.
c) I'll re-upload the versions of the vid located on YouSendIt.com as often as I can.
d) If you're going to link to this, please link to the journal entry only, not the direct video link, and please do not post this video elsewhere without my permission.
Video Notes
a) Probably a heavy context vid. I don't think that people who don't know the source will know a lot of what I'm putting out there with this video. I could be wrong, though. I have been many times over.
b) This video burned me a lot while making it, because I couldn't figure out what direction I wanted to take it when the song offered up so many roads. Also, there were many ways to approach each road, because what I expected to be a one-note character in Dean, had turned, by the end of the first season, into someone very complex. I'm a Sammy girl. He's my darling. That makes me love Dean that much more for how much *he* loves Sam, in whatever way the audience chooses to see it. I struggled with whether there was too much 'Sam' for what I see as a Dean video, but a lot of Dean IS Sam in my eyes, and vice versa, and no video about either brother can leave the other out, unless it's done on purpose... which might be a kind of neat idea actually... with a certain song... *stabs bunny before it gains life*
c) Song choice: Like usual, I was uncertain. Not so much anymore. Sarah Slean is NOT a Dean voice, even if I read Dean as female sometimes, despite all his cock-rock and cock-walk. But the music has the right feel for the feel for the struggle between Sam and Dean, that kind of delicate push and pull in the music, never outright stated, and when it IS stated, it rips your stomach out with a simple note of the piano... And the lyrics. The lyrics made me do this. This song is of my top five favorite ever.
d) There are a few things I'm pretty proud of. I liked the 'green eyes of jealousy' on young dean. I really liked the ending, having Sam choose Dean, over everything else, having that kind of 'two against the world' feel that the show gives me. I wish I had been able to put ten more hours of footage into this video, though, and whenever a clip just doesn't work where I want it to? It disappoints me. A LOT. I always overestimate how much I can fit into a few seconds, but if I had fit in everything I wanted? It would have been very short clips and that would have ignored some of the more gentle, lingering angst that I felt the music required.
e) The song is 'Angel' by Sarah Slean, not 'Come On, Angel'.
f) Lastly, I didn't do a lot of color work on this one. It felt like a minimalist type of video, so I let it be simple. Very simple. *angsts*
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stock.xchng WOW.
I can't believe I'm actually on the internet. *dashes around in a circle* I really miss being able to go on the internet whenever I want, but in its absence I've really turned to vidding and writing as a source of comfort, so that balances it out in the end. A little. But right now I'm going to go bask in forums and avoid my mail and see if I can can save some new, unread fanfiction on my laptop while I have the chance.