Title: Momentary Seizure ("Hot One")
Song Artist: Shudder To Think
Video Artist: Fabella (
Summary: "Love is a lot like having your shoes stolen." Mike, Mike/Scott, Character Study, Slash.
My Own Private IdahoLength: 3:02 min
Format: avi, rm, wmv
Song Lyrics Feedback is more than welcome.
Download Links
Hosted by Obsessive24.net
AVI, 22.3mb, permanent link Temporary Sites
WMV, 48mb, YSIWMV, 48mb, MegauploadAVI, 22.3mb, YSIAVI, 22.3mb, MegauploadReal Media, 16mb, YSIReal Media, 16mb, Megaupload Links Last Updated: 08/22/06
Downloading/Watching Information
a) You're going to need a divx codec to play this, and a lot of other vids. Go to divx.com to download. It's free, it's fast, it doesn't take long to set up. If your enjoy songvids, it's worth the extra effort.
b) Quality is directly related to size.
c) I'll re-upload the versions of the vid located on YouSendIt.com as often as I can.
d) If you're going to link to this, please link to the journal entry only, not the direct video link, and please do not post this video elsewhere without my permission.
No video notes for now. Ouch. My Brain.