schizoscribe wrote in
Jan 29, 2006 17:56
I claim the should-be-canon couple Taranee and Irma!
. . . They're mine! Ha-HA!
weezlcheez wrote in
Jan 29, 2006 09:02
I'll take Will. But, if she moves in and messes with all my stuff I'm giving her back.
nenena wrote in
Jan 29, 2006 07:52
Hmmm, my favorite characters are going fast! Okay, may I claim Elyon?
scott_grubb wrote in
Jan 28, 2006 14:28
Hey! scott_grubb from kandrakar here! Since Cornelia is taken, I'll take my second favorite girl, Hay Lin.
farferello wrote in
Jan 28, 2006 07:49
If possible, I would like to claim Cedric please. ^_^
Thank you.
ex_totchi23 wrote in
Jan 28, 2006 01:30
If she's not already taken, I'd like to claim Cornelia.
Sankyuu!! ♥♥♥