see once Im in the money again, Im gonna help you do as mnay of these as possible (or about as mnay of the ones I can)
but some of them you're pretty much buggered for. e.g 3.Backpack around Europe..trsut me, this is hard to do even with a part time job to take time of from, fulltime will be nigh impossible :(
I'll need to save up for a year at least and then need to take say a month off work. I wanted to put some difficult things on there because I think anything can be done if you put your mind to it. Besides I've always wanted to backpack and I want to do it now before I get too old and regret that I didn't.
Yeah some of them are ongoing things that I want to try and build into my lifestyle (eg drink 8 glasses of water a day) and some of them could be done immediatly (buy myself flowers) that's why I was surprised I hand't crossed more off!
Comments 5
but some of them you're pretty much buggered for. e.g 3.Backpack around Europe..trsut me, this is hard to do even with a part time job to take time of from, fulltime will be nigh impossible :(
Some of these are simples! You should get them done in no time!
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