Name: Courtney
Age: currently 15
Location: Virgina
You want to be stamped as (main character and/or other character, girl/guy or don't care): Main character, please!
Strong Points: Responsible, has a good short term memory and organization skills, puts a lot of effort into things (most of the time...)
Weak Points: HORRIBLE at sports, gets upset eaisly, bad at persuading people, bad long term memory (I think...) I sometimes find it hard to pay attention, tend to procrastinate (not actually FOLLOWING the schedule I made)
Talents: Good at most performing arts related things. Also decent at writing and drawing, but not the best.
Hobbies: Going on the internet, watching TV, making graphics, playing video games, listening to my I-Pod, thinking in general
Optmistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, it makes the world a better place! I used to be the other way, though.
Mature or immature? Immature. At least not as mature as my friends. I'm the baby.
Hyper, calm or normal energy? HYPER!!!
Fears: Auditions (sometimes), bugs (okay, not fear, just creeped out), being around people in bad moods
Dreams: To be a professional actress, to get to Heaven, to get all As on my report card
Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Imaginative, Creative, Talented
Describe your relationship with love: Well, I don't have a boyfriend... YET! ;)
Describe your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend: Likes most of the same stuff I do, understanding, sensetive (but not as much as me)
What kind of person do you tend to become friend with? Normally outcasts, since I'm one myself
Your style (fashion): T-shirt, polo, or babydoll tee, jeans or black pants, sneakers
Do you believe in magic? Sadly, no :(
You are sad or you need to think. Where do you go? My room, if I'm able to
Color: Blue, then yellow and black
Animal: Does a dragon count? I like mythical creatures
Element: Water. It can take a lot of forms
Subject: Theater Arts. I just love to act, and I love that class.
Place: My room (most of the time)
Music: Rock (in all its forms), Pop, and some Techno. My favorite band is Nickelback, and my favorite singer is Kelly Clarkson.
Do you read the comic or watch the cartoon or both things? If so, what do you like better and why?I do a little of both; I like the books better because they are more descriptive.
Why are you a Witch fan? I like the whole element theme, and Candi Milo voices Irma in the American version. :)
Favorite Witch character(s)and why: Irma, because Candi Milo voices her, and water is my favorite element. I also like her personality. She seems like a trickster for some reason...
You are a Witch and you discover that there is a "magic" problem to resolve. What do you do? Try to fix it, at least as much as I can
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