Nightshift 59 Powers Post

Oct 24, 2006 06:20

For the sake of clarification/getting my shit straight:

Detective's authority - Really wide ranging power, in short, it permits her to fully access any crime scene and search out any clue that is necessary to solve a mystery. Damned itself, while extremely unconventional, sort of counts as a mystery (the crime being kidnapping, I guess LMFAO) so while it's not perfectly executed, I think Erika still has the "right" to execute her powers.

There are physical and meta advantages to this, Erika will mostly have physical advantages since Damned has no metaworld.

Enhanced/"Perfect" senses - In Umineko, Bernkastel augmented Erika's senses using the DA so that she was able to observe perfectly. This means she couldn't mistake things by sight, she couldn't mishear things, she couldn't miss any clues, etc. In Damned, this means she has perfect vision - day and night, so she can travel without a flashlight. Her hearing is perfect in that she cannot mistake sounds; if she hears a monster, she hears one. Her hearing is also pretty sharp, since she could hear Battler breathe through a wall in his sleep (and he was like REALLY far away from the wall, not up against it either).

The really noteworthy thing is that now Erika technically has infinite stamina: Thanks to Bern, she was able to drift to Rokkenjima without any physical difficulties (like not drowning, etc. It's above and beyond the protection a lifejacket would offer), and she also was able to have the strength to crawl all over a damn mansion to duct tape the windows shut, stay up all night to listen to some guy breathe and still have the energy to function the next morning, running around and getting people's alibis and checking seals and shit. This means in Damned, basically Erika could spend the whole NS running around and wouldn't feel the slightest bit tired. This doesn't mean she's invincible, just that she's able to constantly operate at 100% regardless of sleeping/eating. Basically, can't get fatigued... kind of like a zombie.

I guess the implication is that Erika is getting the detective's authority from both the mods and me LMFAO.

Ability to collect clues/information/access to crime scene - Erika has the authority to tell people to let her in a room to investigate, to get out of her way, or to answer certain questions. This is limited to relevancy in a crime scene. An example: Since Damned is a mystery of sorts, she is permitted to ask other characters about their experiences in Damned and if they OOCly consent, tell her about what they experienced whether they normally would or not. The character is aware that they normally wouldn't say something, so they'd feel really bothered about being "compelled" to tell her. However, Erika can't force them to spit out irrelevant information like personal history, their favorite color, whether Aquilas can chomp them or not, etc. Basically, if it's relevant to her investigation, she can get information out of other people, or otherwise tell them not to interfere, but she can't control people directly or make them tell her embarrassing stories about when they were five.

Characters can't tell her anything they don't know. Erika wasn't able to get a confession or alibi from Natsuhi because she didn't have one, so Natsuhi was free to refuse to speak to her. Likewise, any character who doesn't have the specific information she's asking for pretty much isn't affected. It's not like Erika can ask them something like "are you the culprit" either, since that kind of ruins the point of a mystery.

Red/Blue truth - this is normally a meta power, but in Umineko, the effect of the red truth can actually be felt by the characters in Erika's voice. It was defined as feeling like she had the authority of a higher power, but it was only really used in conjunction with the above power to gain access to crime scenes and shit. So she's not really going to be using this a lot. However, Erika might speak in blue truth a little freely simply because she can and wants to LOL.

Meta powers (check these with the mods)

Vague feeling that she's being controlled by some higher entity - ask the mods about this. Basically, Erika is aware that her "piece" self by an entity that isn't Bern. LOL

Ability to stay conscious even in death - This is stretching a bit, but here goes: Erika is unique among the "piece" characters for being able to exist in both the metaworld and gameboard despite being a human character. This gave her a BIG advantage in basically knowing that she was a character in a story and being able to communicate with her Master and "player", Bernkastel. This is also why she acts the way she does, as if she's above everything, because she literally is. in Damned, there is no metaworld, but it'd be kind of cool if she was able to "remain" on the board whether she's physically alive or not, for the night. (Her death would be permanent if she didn't exist physically on the board by the time the night ended). This is because there is no metaworld in Damned, so Erika is stuck in some in-between state.
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