Day Two:

Oct 25, 2009 19:36

Well that whole posting eight days in a row plan failed spectacularly, didn't it? Like anyone is surprised. It was never gonna happen. So we'll just say that for the next seven entries that I do manage to post, I'll throw in something that made me happy. There. See? Everyone's a winner.

Today's happy thoughts brought to you by: your momMika's ( Read more... )

music, these are my confessions, videos

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Comments 3

aries11 October 26 2009, 14:45:09 UTC
Even though I don't know the song, I like the lyric. :)

I'll watch the "Leverage" fanvid when I get home. Speaking of Christian Kane, I told someone else this, and now I'll tell you. The whole time we were watching the show, it was driving me crazy where I had seen him before, so I finally looked up his IMDB page. He was in a TV movie that VH1 made a long time ago where he played the love interest of a girl played by the singer Monica.

I can't pull off the messy-cool look, either. I wish I could.

The English do have cooler slang than we do! Let's move there! LOL.

All I've heard for the last week is the "Sweet Caroline" talk. I need to watch the damn show already! LOL.

I was never a big fan of Love Spell. My favorite VS scent was Secret Crush, but I don't think they make it anymore. I do, however, like that newer one that I think is called Berry Kisses.


dutchtulips October 26 2009, 16:58:35 UTC
... Whenever I try, I just end up looking like Garth in Wayne's World after his experience with the Suck-Cut.

That just put a crazy picture in my head of you with Garth's hair. *gigglesnort* "IT'S SUCKING MY WILL TO LIVE!"

I've had Sweet Caroline stuck in my head since Wednesday. Damn Glee.

My first guess was that you were a Red Sox fan, LOL.

I rarely, if ever, actually sleep under my sheets. I usually just snuggle down under my comforter.

I don't even have sheets, just a bunch of different blankets. So you're not alone. xD


be friends? screame_devil June 3 2010, 17:19:14 UTC
hi i'm new guy to dubai and also to livejournal. ur's are very nice. u & me friends forever???????????????


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