Another log

Jun 12, 2012 11:31

10:33:25 AM BH so this happened last night
10:33:29 AM BH litterally right in front of my office
10:34:02 AM me ?
10:34:56 AM BH uh, the link lol
10:35:10 AM BH basically a 24 year old dude on a bike was mugged and shot twice in the back
10:35:14 AM BH at 11:45pm
10:35:16 AM me yikes
10:35:23 AM BH essentially on the steps of my office
10:35:55 AM BH i almost went up that way for some food at exactly that time
10:48:38 AM me well at least you're ok
10:48:52 AM BH i guess
10:49:17 AM BH but this means the area is far less safe than I thought it was, and now i can't go bike riding or running anymore because who knows with this shit
10:49:30 AM me Random crime strikes everywhere
10:49:37 AM me the area is still as safe as it was before
10:49:52 AM BH yeah, and in philadelphia it strikes every single day
10:49:57 AM me I used to live at 4th and Fitzgerald and even I knew better than to be out that late at night unless I had to be
10:49:58 AM BH the day before yesterday, PYT got shot up
10:50:17 AM me PYT?
10:50:26 AM BH popular burger place in NoLibs
10:50:32 AM BH mostly hipsters
11:18:07 AM BH and every comment section on the news articles posting about these get taken offline due to rampant racism
11:18:18 AM BH i have no idea why everyone of sound mind hasn't just abandoned this shithole already
11:18:29 AM me Okay. Please? No Philly bashing today.
11:18:54 AM me I was born not far from where you work, I love that city with a passion, and it hurts every time you start talking shit about it like it's universally horrible.
11:19:17 AM me I'm only in DE because this is where I found work. I fully intend to move back to Philly sooner than later.
11:19:38 AM BH well i'm sorry if my experiences with philadelphia don't vibe well with you
11:19:48 AM me Your experiences are your own
11:19:52 AM me That's not the problem.
11:20:10 AM me The problem is when you start calling it names (like shithole, saying there's no redeeming qualities, etc. etc)
11:20:18 AM me I get that the city and you do not mesh well
11:20:23 AM me that is not a bad thing, it's just a thing
11:20:44 AM me But just be aware that you *are* talking to someone who loves Philly, and whom it hurts when you talk like that.
11:20:58 AM BH I can't think of any redeeming qualities, sorry. There's murders every day, rampant racism, it's dirty, unemployment is of the highest in the country, government is of the most corrupt, local police corrupt...i could go on
11:21:13 AM me That's true for many cities
11:21:29 AM BH and those cities would be no better because of it. it's also not true for many more cities
11:21:35 AM me There are murders in Juarez, it's the murder capital of the world.
11:21:42 AM me Rampant racism in Philly? Try Charlotte, NC.
11:21:47 AM BH and i wouldn't want to live in juarez either
11:22:02 AM me My point being that Philly is not the only city that faces these challenges
11:22:04 AM BH i don't understand how you think "this exist elsewhere so it's acceptable" makes sense
11:22:11 AM me I'm not saying it's acceptable
11:22:24 AM me but you're talking about Philadelphia like it's some sort of hellhole universally and it's not.
11:22:39 AM me Besides which, you know I love that city. You knew that back when I lived in Tucson.
11:22:58 AM me So I fail to see how you think that going "Well these are my experiences, so if it hurts you, tough" is acceptable.
11:23:13 AM me Especially when you demand validation for your point of view and experiences
11:23:20 AM me and don't validate anyone else's pov and experiences.
11:23:51 AM BH i'm just venting about what's going on around me. the same as you would do if you were facing these problems where you live.
11:24:27 AM me Yes, you are. The difference is I'm not venting about Newark to someone who grew up here and loves it here.
11:24:44 AM me And I'm also not arguing for my right to be hurtful towards someone after they've said that something *is* hurtful towards them.
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