Title: The Secret Life of Draco Malfoy, Part One
Author: Thea
Witchiepooh Pairing/Characters: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters.
Summary: A mysterious ancient scroll could hold secrets that will turn the Wizard world, and Hermione Granger's life, upside down.
Warnings: HBP spoiler
A/N: This fic has
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Comments 17
I laughed out loud at:
Draco watched her robes swirl off with Snape-like supremacy. He had never been more exasperated, infuriated and... he realized much to his horror... turned on. "Fuck."
You are a riot!
(The comment has been removed)
The humor is excellant. "Overdone" really suits you. ;]
Just making sure, you are going to write more? I'd love to see where this ends up.
Thanks for the feedback!
My favourite part? Crabbe and his french maid out fit. lol
Keep writing.
Kylie x
Anway, thanks for commenting and there is definitely more to come.
For a cliched fic, it's pretty good. A good badfic, if you will. ;)
I love the way you completely satirize the whole "pairing up Draco and Hermione via school projects" plot with outrageous storytelling and description.
I'm interested how this story will come out; hope to read more in the future.
And yes, "outrageous" is probably the right word for this (and for what I have planned, Muhahaha).
Stay tuned .... :)
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