Title: Damnable Doubt (Part 7/? of
Viva Revenge)
Author: Thea
WitchiepoohPairing/Characters: Fred, George, Draco, Hermione
Rating: PG-13 (for some language)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters. This silly plot is mine.
Summary: Fred wakes up to his blunder. (Sequel to
Friendly Fire.)
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Comments 4
But this isn't about that. I'm very glad that you've found someone to make Draco jealous and cause some issues between D/Hr - even if, so far its more one sided - but who isn't Harry or more specifically Ron. Plus, you know I like Fred/Hermione. :P
Can't wait for the next part.
And yes, as you know I wanted to bring some doubt or conflict into the relationship. Though I'm trying to be careful and not make it into an angst-ridden triangle.
And, I'm quite all right with Ron/Hermione in canon as well, in the sense that I wanted to smack Ron for snogging Lavender and not Hermione when he obviously wants to the git.
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